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Everything posted by Flavicon

  1. If i were a ginger i'd get ripped too. ...or kill myself.
  2. Flavicon


    this stuff is the shit. Worth the extra couple bucks.
  3. he's been like that for a while.
  4. girl: "Is my butt juicy?" me: "Yeah, i guess it's juicy" girl: "So i have a big butt?" me: "No, no. You're butt isn't juicy then" girl: "So your saying my butt's flat?" girl begins to cry, i walk away.
  5. The greatest: http://www.thevideoawards.com/details/?id=4538d98b-cfbf-49c5-8590-243d49a7b313
  6. Wow, so much knowledge! You're like, the graff messiah dude! CLOSE THREAD! BAN!
  7. haha, the "freshness seal" are you a pringle spokesperson? putting em' in a case of beer works dependeing on were you are.
  8. Check it out! Now you can veiw the 12 at work without your boss noticing! http://www.workfriendly.net/browse/Office2003Blue/12oz.com/forum http://www.workfriendly.net
  9. i really hate that terse "yeaokaybye", very annoying.
  10. my car doesn't have AC, and my driver side window doesn't roll down. Driving is painful.
  11. uh.... ketchup? On a hot dog?? that's for the fries. you've commited a grave sin.
  12. do what catface said, but you don't even have to do sexual things. You can get a couple hundred just to let guys step on your face and stuff. and.. i applied at bliks too!! if you get that job expect something bad to happen. :hatred:
  13. not impressed. http://www.stagga.com/files/images/Graff%203.bmp
  14. I actually found that pretty interesting. Hearing legal jargon in reference to graffiti products is so strange. My how things change.
  15. paint fumes are no joke, i've told this anectdote before, but... years ago i was painting and like a dumbass, somehow, i managed to spray directly into my face as i was breathing in. Well, later that night i was at a party, and i blacked out and had small seizure. Somehow nobody noticed, or they just thought i was drunk. Anyway, for months after that I had horribly painful heart palpatations. So painful they would literally bring me to my knees. Also, i would have muscle spasms on one side of my face. Horrible, use a resperator. And don't be retarded like me and spray your self in the face. and, dust maskes do nothing.
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