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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. As one who has worked in traffic, the best piece of advice given in training was to keep a toilet roll with you at all times in the car. Luckily said advice saved Me when I had to pull over and take an explosive shit at least twice since learning of this, after never needing to shit whilst driving with immediacy ever before. Perhaps a byproduct of age or maybe I am happy to leave some "Indian children" (what I refer to My shit as being based on the Indian's who cursed Me at My wedding in Karnal, and as My wife is Indian I can make such a joke as what else in life sees a male give birth Junior style to anything but brown logs similar in skin shade) on the side of the road. And as the wife hung a noose made of money around My neck at our wedding and subsequently divorced Me she is a shitty bitch, so you get what I mean.
  2. Going to catch up with My brother, and just walked past this place
  3. Mauler5150


    good to see you drop thru man. Hopefully it isn't just a one off.
  4. Mauler5150


    I dont even play video games any more, but I have gotten addicted to watching this channel on Youtube which is based around the lore of fighting games franchises. The guy who runs it is a pure comedian though, and has wicked catchphrases, so if you want to laugh about sufh things I recommend giving a view or two.
  5. Good question & I was wondering what happened to catface as I remember she was a Myspace friend back in the day.
  6. The first cd I ever owned was the Killing in the name single. And every time I read one of rage's posts here over the years, other than the "wait" meme, I always thought of RATM. And it is a shame I never saw them live, so it is sick you got to catch them at least once.
  7. Sitting in a shopping centre using their airconditioning whilst I think of the best way to sell My Jordan 11 concords I have sitting on ice to get some quick funds for van expenses.
  8. Recieved verbal confirmation that I passed My drug test, so hopefully I can get back to work and claw My way out of the financial predicament I am in.
  9. Ahat happened with those tickets now that RATM have broken up for good? Did you see them beforehand? Wait, rage is... alive! That is good news. Ahat happened with those tickets now that RATM have broken up for good? Did you see them beforehand? Wait, rage is... alive! That is good news.
  10. It has changed for the better I would say based on My recent visits, although the beach crowds remind Me of Baywatch for whatever reason. I finally went to a boxing class at My gym last night for the first time to try sweat out whatever residual crap is in My body and am going to try test again this afternoon. Wish Me luck as I am in severe financial stress right now due to being off work and My van registration and repair equalling all the money I have to live on for the next 3 weeks (pending getting more work in the interim).
  11. Well I failed a drug test at work as a result of sucking on a vape which was laced with illicit substances. Note to others out there who get tested for work. As a result I used the time off to catch public transport to Scarborough beach to avoid the heatwave here in the Swan Valley (where it was 45'C the other day!!! Fucking insanely hot and as hot as I ever remember it getting locally here). Was a worthwhile trip of onky for rhe fact that I saw some 20 something year old I would classify as being a perfect 10 looks wise, but I was too busy eating icecream to film her or approach her to tell her how fine she was, so you just have to take My word for it. FWIW, Scarborough here in West Oz is the place to be for looking at wildlife if My experiences visiting there over the past 6 months are any indication. I would be parked up down there if not for the fact work is 40 mins drive away and My vehicle is currently not moving at all.
  12. If you are doing the podcast thing and want to advertise, get Mero on as a guest and then get him to use his fame for a worthwhile cause.
  13. Red for the rooting couch for sure. Apologies for the power posting, I try to engage with conversations when I drop into this thread as I have been lazy on digging up My other threads where the madness I post is perhaps more relevant. With this said, My fuel pump is busted and I am now stuck for perhaps 2 weeks.
  14. Also I will have worked for over 12 hrs today on a Saturday, and the pay has zero value beyond seeing 3 fucktarded bikies ignore multiple signs and arrows as they egotistically ran a road closed sign Me and the colleagues installed only for one of the subhuman apes to hit a pothole and bust his back tyre so his exhaust was almost dragging on the floor. It was like the greatest karmic gift the universe has given to Me since returning to the city, and if anything his blowout was similar to how his mother’s rectum looked after I fucked it all night as I called her a whore whose son became a bikie because he was ridden by his entire gang beforehand.
  15. Also, as I got all My previously deleted Note files back, with over 10000 pages of Me psychoanalysing and investigating Myself, philosophy, religion and consciousness, I was wondering if anyone on here would feel it would be worth Me making a thread specifically for such content. I know Bojangles life story was appreciated on here, so thought I should ask before assuming anything, and if anything, I could always contextualise what prompted said writing at the time via crossreferencing whatever images I took on the date I wrote whatever it was (ie. If I was in the middle of a 4 day “concentration camp” sleep deprivation experimental cooked by chemical fumes and 4K retina display radiation treatment, I will explicitly tell you given that I once was allowed to indulge in such activities with zero negative consequences prior to this refreshed domain that represents the city and country I left behind as I initially used My “TampOn” passport for the first time that allowed My digital ID to be fucked with by lifeless trolls - but I digress). Essentially it would be My journal of going to psychological Hell (prior to the physical Hell that I have felt over the past 2 years as described above - or better yet illusrated as the Van Halen “Balance” cover image). My only worry is that considering the amount of “why?” that is related to My woman in such musings, I feel I burned this audience out about it already, even if it would provide the complete story as to what happened and has taken place over the past 7 years for Me.
  16. I don’t need any support tbh beyond that of the financial kind, yet My pride sees Me refuse to ask anyone who isn’t involved in a Governmental welfare organisation based on the tax I pay when I work being returned to Me in a way (Matthew who wrote the book was a “Tax Collector” after all - hence My dole bludging to get back what I previously contributed to the Oz Gov being karmically and fiscally “in balance”). I can’t really post pics on here as all I have is My iphone and I can’t copy image URLs to have them link to the original source as opposed to it trying to upload the image to My allotted upload space on the 12oz servers. Yet if you want to check things, My latest Youtube upload shows the location to which I am referring anyway. Hopefully with what Raven is planning this can get sorted and I can post pics going forward (sans the videos of Me inhaling nangs I uploaded on here being deleted to free up some upload space 😂)
  17. Well not surfing yet, working on getting $ to facilitate the move given that when I move depots, I will have to build up rapport to get work. I am still rehabbing My shoulder given the bloodsucking parasite of a second head comprised of the toxins from the cancerous passive 2nd hand ciggie smoke I have been forced to inhale over the years was why I felt like the T1000 with a metal pole shoved down thru his shoulderblade. I couldn’t risk going into waves of consequence with a restricted range of motion and My lack of surf fitness at this stage, and even if it is only going to get bigger as the seasons progress, I will be taking My camera to shoot footage of the waves of the Indian ocean (and the Hellmen and women who charge them, who in doing so, have already earned My respect unlike the pathetic city dwelling urchins who just talk shit and jerk each other off all day as is the case here in the city) to fill My cloud with.
  18. I was being chill and not holding you to this given that such a gesture if fulfilled is above and beyond expectations of anyone given My experience of the average human’s lack of atrusitic gestures the past decade or so. Plus I wouldn’t mind paying for a new one if the shirts get reissued in the near future 👍 Yet if you still wish to send it, more power to you and I will appreciate it as conveyed previously.
  19. I wouldn’t care if it was just a reissue of the same based on My name next to Raven’s lol. Yet if I have climbed the order with the hundreds if posts I have made over the past year or so, I wouldn’t mind either.
  20. So in having seen “the World Serpent” in Ouroboros shift around as part of the reef during My recent trip down south, the funny part about rebirth occurred to Me as I realised that in now living in My van, as the metaphorical (or literal) dragonhead, that with it’s name being “Elle” as I derived from the licence plate of “El”, that for Me it represents being in the womb again prior to being reborn for the next phase of life and existence. My Great Grandmother on My Mother’s side was named Elsie, and My Grandmother on My Father had the middle name of “Ellen”, and as both are “EL” , it is like I have been destined of sorts to have ended up in such a scenario. I guess the point of this thread is to ponder the eternal philosophical question of Fate and predetermined existence is truth or whether we truly have a “choice” in affecting our lives with the billions of decisions we make throughout our conscious lives. I would post a pic but am unable to upload images still. Hopefully when the 12oz app comes I can once again contribute images to avert (or at worst - support) the walls of text I add to this place, so if anyone can help out it would be cool. Also on the first page I found this illustration by an artist called Eleazor, which funnily enough My previous car I crashed was Eve due to the EAV numberplate it had. https://embassyofthefreemind.shop/products/poster-ouroboros Yes I know I am fully autisMO with this post, but it is what it is.
  21. Same. And to think I plastered it in “Oz” whilst wearing My 12oz hat in My favourite place in the world, well I can’t say much more really than you know how lucky I truly am. And I might already have the keys to the house across the road in My possession if karma and God’s love truly exists as it should do. I only tried one of the keys to said “Private” property and refrained from using the second until I return. If I am truly blessed with being granted such a priviledge, I will let you know and a room is yours and your Mrs should you ever venture Down Under, as what use is a mansion to Me unless I can fill it with the people who have shown love via always championed Me to persist in spite of futility? Last I heard from the guests staying there was “The jokes on You”. If I am wrong in this guess, then this world is truly hopeless for being anything more than a butt of a joke that only I get to indulge in, which is truly sad.
  22. Further to My post in the discussion thread, I got this video from My backup phone uploaded with a 12oz sticker placed in My favourite spot in this entire world.
  23. And in the “humans are shit cunts” file, I went and bought a $15 native succulent plant I planted at the beach at Golden Bay after spending a week living there. Upon stopping by on the way back to work from down south I found it gone, along with the art installation I left there which included a buried broken screened android phone symbolic of the life I was leaving behind as I went south to Yallingup. So yeah, nothing is sacred it seems to the scum in Perth and it’s surrounds. Hopefully the watermelon and stevia seeds I left at Gavin’s tribute fair better.
  24. I also made a roadside tribute in a “manger” part of bush on the hill overlooking Torpedo Rocks, and Smiths Beach and Supertubes to My friend Gavin Lay who took his own life 21 years ago. At 42, and having lived two of his lifetimes, it was somewhat overdue of Me to put My friend I only ever had positive dealings with and spent time at Supertubes surfing with him in a memorial state as I reconnected with being grateful that I have persisted with living and still have stories to live and tell (with massive thanks to My friends at Ch0 who keep encouraging Me to not give up in spite of the bullshit I get fed on the daily).
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