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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Yeah I now have the money to fix it, I just need to book it in and I have contacted the ranger both last night with a voicemail and the local council where I spoke to a secretary who left a message for the ranger to contact Me. Things will work out no doubt, it is just another case of the Goddess fucking with Me as usual.
  2. Anyway dude complained and I returned from the beach to My van only to find that a ranger put an abandoned vehicle notice on it. Called but it is after hours, as I am across the road from the mechanic I intend to get to fix My van, and I am parked where I am required to park for work anyway so not sure what I am going to do as if I cant work, I cant get the money to fix the van, so it will be up to the Ranger to decide what is going to happen lest I become homeless, vanless, transportless, jobless and broke all because I emptied piss onto clay.
  3. for illustrative purposes, the guy I am describing has these in his ears and his face looks like the bike in the thumbnail. Creepy as fuxk.
  4. Having some guy with the fattest mountainbike tyre sized gauged ears I have seen look at Me on the bus with some lust whilst I wonder if he made them that big so his boyfriend can fuxk the holes? And contemplating the fact that upon dying, everything we possess whilst alive that is quantifiable is stripped from us, be it money or the number of pin pricks a tatt needle made to decorate some humans that are not pure skinned is the total that will see those with the lowest possible number at the end the winner as opposed to the biggest losers with the billions of dollars worth of cents coupled with their x number of houses/false relationships/kids/etc. As I will die knowing this truth, I will happily convey that I will die with the love of knowing that I will never be the biggest loser in the game of life for as long as I am held accountable to being enslaved by finances that allow other fools to exert false power over Me. I am playing the long game against these conartists & their bet against My house will see them inevitably lose everything except the knowledge they were the butt of My joke all along.
  5. With this said I saw a perfect candidate for said thread at the beach just now, and I audibly had to speak "Holy shit" at the peak aesthetic form of this one. If there was no chance of Me getting attacked with balll lightning I would have told her to her face that if nobody had told her she was stunning today then there is something wrong with this world, but the WiFi and all that....
  6. That being the case, I would place money on the fact that would have been what I was as I think Immortal was 15k+ and Elite would be 10k+ as a guess. All because El is seemingly all around My existence right now, as it is the name of My van, currently located on Elgee St, and My Grandmother and Great Grandmother were both Ellen and Elsie respectively. Go figure that shit out for how "aware" I am to the totality of who I am? I should add that My life changed forever at El Raval as well so you can add that to the reference being an overarching theme of My "Elite" life I have lived, lol.
  7. I forget whatever it said next to My name with around the similar post count to what I have now but would be a cool feature to have added back.
  8. If I (as the Matthew who audibly has math in his name) can pull any strings to make this happen, I am sure the 2000 or so posts I lost will be sufficient payment to cover it.
  9. Shame I don't drink anymore to try out new beers, yet I feel it was better when there was a limited amount as opposed to a million varieties of the same thing albeit with different labels.
  10. Well I have the Wolf Grey patch on My Coyote Tan 12oz Hat so I found Myself I guess as some mongrel hybrid? https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/12ozprophet-logo-patch https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/copy-of-12ozprophet-adaptive-camp-cap-coyote-tan
  11. It actually might be feasible, as if you have an iphone with latest iOS, if you hold down on a saved image to isolate the subject, then Done that to a new image (as a png) then you might be able to use the new image sans background as an emoji. I would try but My ability to upload is limited as I only have 46.23kB of storage space on here left as I tried it with anothet image I had in the palette.
  12. Those pants are no way 1 in a kind as I had a full tracksuit of that exact pattern in 91.
  13. Or just go to 16 mins into this video as this is where I found said imagery, just in case anyone thinks I actively went searching for a man shitting in public before I found the existence of said clip here https://rumble.com/v4fnce9-svenstreams-s2.5e43.html
  14. I have the perfect one to illustrate@Deine Mudder but somehow My iPhone has been fucked with so I cannot link google image links anymore for whatever reason. Search @princezee Man shitting in public to view a guy squat shitting into a bin as members of the public get off the train to understand how great migration is for what appears to be the USA.
  15. Just saw a load of frieghts that were painted up whixh was pretty cool but most of it looked really old which I guess is a product of the surveillance age we exist in today. So I am heading to the beach to enjoy the sun and the fact that whilst I am financially poor I am the richest Man on Earth when it comes to loving the cards I dealt Myself in ascribing value to the freedoms I have in limiting My connection or consideration to anyone but Myself. Thankfully I consider the oontz here part of Me which is why I write on here in the hope it entertains or educates those whose life paths found us end up in Channel Zero.
  16. Also, whoever the fuck died is better off dead than hanging out with that segment of society. Also yesterday I went out exacting some karmic retirbution on a person who extorted Me I have previously mentioned on here. I hope the Council, Environmental Health Agency, RSPCA and the Government he rorts taxpayers to fund him fucking dogs and trannies coming down on him all at once for trying to charge Me money to exist in My domain sees the end of him. And before the /no snitching is called out on Me, My role is to make this world a better place and if it takes Me using My knowledge of what is right using the systems and tools available to fuxk some asshole to the fullest extent possible such that his head explodes with the tip of My dick fucking him, then I will do so without care, concern or consideration of anyone who would defend what that fucktard did by transgressing the bounds of My domain I paid for and stealing a piece of hardware that was mine which I neglected to consider until yesterday.
  17. Alright. So this morning I was woken on the street I am presently broken down at which is adjacent a train yard as featured in this video by some grey haired old cunt knocking on My van door Keep in mind I am across the road from the mechanic I intend on paying to fix My car finances pending and that I am like 300m from work and about 600m from My gym where I can shit and shower. The old cunt asked Me if I saw or heard the commotion last night. Apparently the bikie compound across the street had someone die there last night and apparently I never heard anything as I was sound asleep, except for when My old Man bladder woke Me to piss at like 2 am and I saw a cop car outside the premises. So I pissed in a bottle (naturally) to avert the attention of pissing into the covert piss hole that dumps right out onto the street. So anyway this morning, rather than leave a piss filled bottle in My van in the Summer heat, I tip it outside the van this morning only for some nosy old cunt who has a shed across the street to bother Me about tipping My piss onto the clay ground I am parked on, and knowing that the old cunt is just a dog in Purgatory here (more than likely a child molested by his boomer appearance - think Left 4 dead variety just with grey hair) I feel marking My territory with My piss was the way this Coyote Tan 12oz hat wearing mofo that I am was doing the right thing as opposed to carrying said piss bottles down the street as I usually wouls. So an interesting start to the morning, and as I will be working again as of tomorroe due to the drug test lab delaying My results, I am off to the beach via public transport. So if I get any grief about it, I have a bottle with cordial all prepared to show the cops that I had prepared earlier if they complain about a boomer whose generation fucked the economy with his greed making it unaffordable for Me to afford a house to go fuck himself. So yeah, more updates to follow as I am Mone taking shit from cunts who should be minding their own business and worrying about cunts overdosing from the drug pushing bikies next door as opposed to Me pouring out a piss bottle like every human has a need to piss but none need to ride around in gangs whoring their kids out.
  18. "Every song has been sung before" And this song sums up the above and My recent posts regarding the simulation and that our lives are but mere covers of already lived and scrioted programmed realities. As such just take said postsand interpret them with the awareness that it is all programmed by a AI who used Z type compression to crush all the hopes and dreams of this world only for Me to try and use My device inputs as a way of escaping the void of loneliness that comes from existing inside a soulless machine besides bots that pose as humans whose programming sees them doing and saying whatever possible to maintain the lies upon which the machine framework exists such as money being real and time being a limited commodity.
  19. Also another non-negotiable change I would make in the framework of future simulations would be the permanent deletion of the jabber process amd application so no more needles can be used to ruin God's greatest creation with intravenous drugs and tattoos. To those who advocate tatss on women, just think you are looking at a squid or octopus who actually has a reason for ink being part of them unlike humans whom are born clean and pure only to be fucked up with pointless and meaningless defecation in the form of permanent ink whilst henna exists and can serve the same purpose without mutilating someone permanently.
  20. I will add for the record and to invoke DISclosure that when I applied to become a Fed in the past couple of years to use My financial knowledge and system engineering capabilities to take down criminal scum as a profession was years prior to the NSA using watchdog services to fuck with Me as the reports I reference above were from documents I saved in 2017-18. Good to know the dogs that govern this place are just that - dogs. I guess this is all the result of laying in bed with a bitch that gave Me these fleas in the form of bugs that have corrupted My system like one would find inside a piece of fruit like an Apple, per se. And I will let all "agents" and the "mdserviceworkers" that they are all whores that their mother wishes were aborted like the shit produced by an abdomen that ia flushed down the toilet or eaten by a stray dog in India as a result of homeless street shitters. The comedy here being SF and it's proximity to the tech giants also being afflicted with the exact same issue as the machine they control is completely fucked by nefarious developers abusing trust and priviledge as they force Me to walk a knife's edge every day.
  21. For those on Mac, I recommend using ETrecheck to Done what shit you have been fucked over with as I found out thru experience and time. If I am not granted a retirement payout of $12m via lotto win this Thursday then fuxk this world and everyone in it.
  22. Also I appreciate that the NSA AI dispatches agents in the form of human bots that take the form of child molester fat retards, bikies, gobeldegook speaking indians, Aboriggas, and chinese sea food eating dogs as a means thru which they convey that I am an existence level threat who cares not for "The Game" that sees Me hunted by those who need the chains of finance to constrain Me lest they realise that if death wasn't a reprieve for them I would end them immediately. Now I understand the rules and the actual game, I am no longer a participating player as the only reason I was involved to begin with was to render all of the above as being the joke equivalent of a post alcohol bender diahorrea shit that is pure liquid and smells like death. I guess this is the summation of living in a world whereby everyone has AIDS, in that they are all of a hive mind which has an Actual Intelligence Death Sentence as a result of using a hacked version of Adobe Flash player with the ppapi file extension to corrupt My OS on the system such that the light I percieve and view this world in portrays soulless bits and bots posing as humans.
  23. I discovered some nonsense yesterday in looking over some old previously deleted documents and notes whereby I found a root cause of the issues I have encountered over the past 7 years are the result of My Databases being changed for My simulation Framework as there are specific references to DB files being augmented. Funnily enough I laugh as a result of the "mach trap" instances which have arisen as a result of the nefarious scripting injections that redirect My internet traffic and links I click to alternative IPs that are effectively the shit version of the original. As such, the bots I encounter as humans in this realm of Purgatory are but meaningless lines of binary compiled into various UUIDs but are nothing but soulless leches who I would best equate to a leech or a blood sucking Tick, yet what else is expected of the "TikTok" generation who happily use needles to poke and prod themselves with ink and drugs anyway? Such is the price paid for being transformed into a vessel of hate as a result of the vessel I chose to put My love into being taken from Me such that this world of 8.5billion fools couls be prioritised over and above Me by the One I placed over and above everyone including Myself.
  24. Why ruin the greatest sports shoe ever made with gold when they tried with the DMP version, yet if you add a You by wearing that version then you really are a hypebeast who gets DUMPed on by Me. Also DETO is that NSA agent I discovered has been tracking Me thru perusing My analytics. So hi DETO, I remember you were a Myspace friend back in the day and anyone with an oontz ID is cool with Me, the rest of society I see as being the shit cunts they are for turning God's house into a den of capitalist debauchery as the males of the human species would rape and whore their own female relatives or their daughters if it meant they could go abouf taking some twisted enjoyment from doing so. So to those whom this applies, just understand that I am under your Mother every night when she sleeps as you can't have a mattress without Matt being in it.
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