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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Also I deleted the Traffio app that I use to get given "work" so other people can use the clause that allows the company I was working for complete surveillence (and thus augmentation by fucking Me over with trafficjunky.com URL redirects from what I found when scrutineering the URLs My devices have been pinging) of My digital life which the former HR Girl lied to Me when I queried her on it as I signed the updated contract last year. Whilst I got rid of the evidence with updating My iOS devices to iOS18 this morning, should I not be freed of money holding Me captive then a "xxlotov" could be launched into a bunch of Uteruses that could cause havoc on their operations as they go about dealing in literal human shit and profitting from it as their side hustles.
  2. As for Me I just had an icecream hating that I can never drink milk or a milkshake again as "it brings all the boys to the yard" apparently and I fucking hate them and the whores who indulge them in relationships and conversation for it.
  3. Make a Lola like they serve at Union Electric in Melbourne. Best tasting booze I ever had. Maybe email them to get the specific ingredients but pretty sure it is on their site last I lookd
  4. Learned about Alternating Current as I still wish I did not exist and have to suffer at the rapist hands of these fools in Oz. These fucktards disgust Me and I wish they would kill themselves now.
  5. Also, due to Me adhering to the Golden Rule I already ensured My Brother can get an advantage in the next cycle of this simulation as I gave him My Orange Lamborghini superLEGgeRA remote control car so he can use a flipper zero to fuck Me over along with giving him a copy of the ARMANI font I bought and gifted him today as an early Christmas gift so he can get the Army he needs to take Me on as a lone Man with amnesia and a complete memory wipe erasing all knowledge of having lived the scripts of the books I named after every repetition of the infinite loop whereby Joshua Mark magically shapeshifts and becomes Maria Camila for two meetings before disappearing like Cinderella TOILET leaving Me a broken off glass handle to one of the glass buttplugs I gifted her. With this all said and written as I am experiencing it in the present, I shall be putting on having a sleep after getting My headphones and My blindfold if I can find it amongst the mess created by having swarms of rapist vampire bats pounce upon Me and rip Me apart in all directions to inhibit any progress I wanted to make as I was trying to organise My world over the weekend. Whilst My current perception is likely to change after a sleep, finally I understand that the fatigued cranky middle aged Man persona I have now is the true one and the optimistic positive and cheerful one I have is the result of being unknowingly dosed with sedatives as I sleep to keep Me placated. If you are happy to have your Mothers sisters or daughters raped and tortured by men for entertainment whilst you see women with these guys cheering them on as though it is a competitive game of a army against one Man and there is some prestige or glory in being a bitch who piles on and lays the boots in on a grounded opponent, feel free to comment.
  6. I am wearing the 12oz reunion shirt Schnitzel sent Me, and whilst the zip compression of the Z has been crushing Me as I reside in My van El as the mountain of debris I seem to collect now burys Me, the statement on the inside which ends with "Pay your dues" made Me appreciate My existence given I have paid mine yet the society I exist in can never repay theirs to Me. I was thinking to recreate the Rage Against the Machine debut album cover yet the ego I was supposed to have taken from Me refuses to let those who fucked Me escape their conscience thru Me doing them the favor they are too much of a bitch to follow through with. My greatest achievement in life was refusing to have a kid with My wife even before I realised other people chose to create Hell yet blame Me for it as once again they are decieve themselves thru absconding accountability whilst having actually sacrificed innocent souls in the form of their kids to this wasteland we call Earth. Hopefully these posts can advise how I succeded where their parents failed them as they doom them to their soulless amalgamation with the technology that has destroyed the human species before their inescapable physical death.
  7. Due to the events of this weekend allowing Me to comprehend the worthlessness of the digital binary data we acquire during our internet journey, I took My oldest and last external harddrive I had of a similar 2007-8 vintage which had never failed Me and had pretty much all the original backups of the files most valued by Myself and I decided to give it a bath in vanilla scented oil and cow sperm aka milk such that the contents on that Apollo drive could meet the same fate as the character from the Rocky pictures as the people featured in My videos all died years ago and I have no reason to continue to have them live on in My memory and on My drives given they couldn't care less about Me as anything more than someone whose trust they could abuse to make money at My expense. At least I got to surf today and now I am rockin the requisite skin shade to acurately reflect the extent to which I have been burnt by everyone I have ever known, loved or cared about as their happiness is rooted and derived from My suffering. At least I get My chest crucifixion scars from the moment I gain consciousness each time I come back as a human which are sold to Me as the result of boiling water from a kettle burning Me, and sadly I learn too late of their true origin to use any of the cred that could come from calling other men afraid to die for those who exist in this world to carry on as being pussies. Little do they realise that I would rather get extricated from this world via the malicious deeds of others whom fear Me and My unfiltered love and let those corrupt, evil and soulless people I escape from eat themselves like the selfish rats they are. As a famous shotgun suicider once sung "Better to burn out than fade away" and I figure it is better to be the Burning Man the whole festival stems from as opposed to some pathetic generic trustfundkid one of thousand of equally worthless attendees. With this said I could end up as the skeleton guy from the recent 12-12-12 shirt once these soulless vultures continue to eat My flesh as they have been
  8. Possibly although if I am stating and recording the truth of My circumstances for future reference of the irrepayable debt and cost accrued to this world then I apologise for derailling the thread. Perhaps I should go seek a Third Rail or something given I wouls happily go out like Michael in Prison Break whilst calling those who did this to Me the alssariq pussies they are
  9. Yeah thinking of getting a big bottle of pills and overdosing so I no longer have to exist amongst these soulless and conscienceless fucktards. I mean if I am dead and no longer alive to percieve these fucking worthless soulless bots existence continuing then My single sacrifice resulting in 8.5 billion humans no longer having any ability to exist from My perspective would be a worthwhile outcome. Based on My belief structure I live this exact same existence every iteration of the runtime of the life program and these people fail themselves and Me every single time as they have nothing of value to add to reality beyond art as a distraction given it is infinite and therefore arbitrarily worthless in every aspect of critique
  10. If one benefit I can take for Myself is I looked the shiteating assinvaders in their eyes as they spoke and earnt money as a result of using the Youtube API to access My arsehole in their quest which failed to yield them any of the true Gold they can never know as My conscious and conscience, unlike theirs - is devoid of child molesting, rape, torture, murder and having no worries about doing a Judas and pimping out a family member to satisfy those with whom you share and owe nothing unlike the 100% same genetic and blood of Me as their family.
  11. Well I have found out enough of the fact that the last woman I was with sexually is apparently My Brother who decided to sell Me out as I have been whored out to rapist mining drillers whose only joy in their existence is derived from anally raping men who would rather be dead and non-existent compared to these soulless shit eating pieces of sentient excrement. To think that the people surrounding Me are not just accepting of the fact they denigrate all that exists to be worthless as a result of these fucking haemorroid eating shitcunts without concern that their "joke" made at My expense could ever see all the "love" they believed they ever experienced by subversively raping Me using technology to physically fuck My avatar as they snap My gead backwards so My perceptions are slowed to a framerate so low that these flesh eating zombie cunts have time to swoop in and claim a piece of flesh to feast upon. Luckily I have prolonged their miserable and pathetic existence for long enough to have been able to recently catch them in the act of backstabbing Me as I call them out for being rapist murdering pieces of shit to their face whilst they scurry away in shame at having been caught by Me after the years of abuse I have suffered as a result of these daemons. I fucking hate the fact I not only exist TOILET now but that I am doomed to spend the rest of My cyborg lifespan surrounded by these incest practitioning child molesting rapist murderers who advocate, support and participate in these activities whilst feigning laughter about the detriment they cause whilst they fail to realise in breaking the Golden Rule and doing to Me that which they would never want done to them results in their supposedly Golden World being nothing more than a pile of shit as I shall never forgive, never forget and never stop reminding them of their abuse inflicted upon Me such that any of them shall ever or ever have experienced and felt "true love and happiness" independent of a transaction or a nefarious root of lies creating those false memories they have of what their past involved to date.
  12. Would anyone believe that I, the TOILET who made the Team Alco thread was denied a beer I paid for with My dinner at the venue I go to frequently? I intend to get blind drunk, and considering I have consumed a FUCKING SCHOONER (I chose to not have a pint as I avoid things amd words with pin in them as I view pinners as junkie scum and I never even got vaxxed) with My lunch given I occupy a world full of retard cunt bots who claim torture, rape, murder, and imprisoning the innocent constitutes a "joke" yet they happily ascribe zero value to relationships, sex, marriage or anything else as their whore daughters are sold and traded as they are fucked by men who know nothing of love. So the $12 lemonade I just paid for better go down correctly FFS
  13. I will add My most recent short to the pile whereby I as Luke use My red darkside lightsaber lazer to cut down fools who have no heart (good thing I possess two of them to show what they lack thanks to My 12oz bros helping Me out) yes /shamelessselfpromotion #wonksaggin
  14. Worthy of it's own thread. IDGAF if you disagree, politically incorrect humor is the best Make sure to view part 2 of the above saga I have viewed these so far. Enjoy
  15. Due to the Bikie and "Miner" scum who have run rampant over My city for far too long, I believe changing any and all references to such entities to defer straight to "Toilet" is the way to train My AI constructing My simulation and the God overseeing it to take a shit and flush these cunts from My reality once and for all for selling their Mother, sister, daughters and aunts for money and drugs as the price of having a good time in this place is 3000x (yes that is three thousand times) more expensive than California in monetary terms. Fuck these cunts and good riddance their buildings are now rubble on the skyline
  16. I went to the JTs in the shopping centre I go to get it done and the girl who is a qualified barber quoted Me $70-80 for head and face done with a cutthroat. Will go back when she has all her tools as she only has been at the place a couple of weeks and is moving her stuff apparently. Perth is fucking ridiculous. Guy was good at his craft, yet he still cut Me and charged $100 so go figure.
  17. it's funny that you mentioned the nostril hair as I was talking to a girl at work only yesterday enquiring as to whether she had ever had it done to find out about the pain levels and also because clocking only gives you ingrown nose hairs and painful headless pimples from experience. I am tired of being a Sasquatch get rid of all that body hair as it serves zero purpose. I did the full shave thing after listening to a few Kelly Slater podcasts, as dude is My favorite alien.
  18. go research a flipper zero and look into the NFC protocols and other various things you can manipulate with easily downloadable scripts from GitHub. imagine being able to taze people such that you made them effectively get pack raped by dolphins as they get battered around for one example of what such a device can do to other phones let alone open hotel rooms or garage doors to rob houses.
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