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Everything posted by abovethefogg

  1. Idk how to delete posts...so ignore the one above. Crits?
  2. Crits on anything? http://www.flickr.com/photos/69826838@N02/6866507066/in/photostream
  3. dirty deeds, wow your beein nice, you must not want to offend a black man
  4. nice to see that MS 13 is hittn reffers now
  5. abovethefogg

    Yard Safety

    do bulls and workers drive in the same type of trucks do they have guns are their names and address lissted at some kind of website?
  6. help me out, list songs that are about frieghts , songs like these.. http://s27.photobucket.com/albums/c180/johnnyuma/michael%20savage%20superpost/?action=view&current=benchingdec001.flv
  7. I have one of those. I just trimmed the tip so it's wider instead of fine point. Trim the tip roughly in half Quoted post yea man those silver sharpt marker is da bomb it is what all the pros use it like can stay up for years my nick name for that silver ink be krink. [/b]
  8. quick question if you want to gett gloss black and you have flat black rusto is there somthing to putt in it to make it glossy are would you need to strait up by gloss paint
  9. i sware evory one at my school is alwayse quoting skeme evory one . the most oddest people will just once a week bust out a "you do doodle on paper" and its like damb i cant beleve so many people have seen that freken documentery.
  10. big bump to dyer wheres that fool from i saw him up in the denver airport
  11. ok, please help me. it is INTERIOR//EXTERIOR Uerthane Modified Enamel its a gloss-oil deep rustic base will this work for mops and so forth
  12. ok, please help me. it is INTERIOR//EXTERIOR Uerthane Modified Enamel its a gloss-oil deep rustic base will this work for mops and so forth
  13. FUCKING BEAUTIFUL ... that is so true i love that you said that . it is what i was tought , it is what all of you kids should be tought .KEEP IT SYMPLE . trust me it looks beter and will give you maby a little respect then
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