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Everything posted by {OneSevenNine.com}

  1. That is amazing! I want to come to alligator party. Save the teeth and make a necklace!
  2. Indeed they are, they are not of the kind you would toss around lightly.
  3. These cookies are the best. oh man, dipped in that yogurt. Win for the quick morning fridge grab snacks for work.
  4. I found a massive fish bowl for my Chinese goldfish Pudge at Value Village (pronounced Va-loo Val-lahj to make it sound fancy like Target is Tar-shay) I immediately thought of Douglas Adams. Numerous jokes were made on the nerd level.
  5. Here is another beach adventure we went on this past summer. I swam in cold ass ocean water. Little egg waved at me from shore. Handsome stayed on land since he is not used to cold ass ocean water. I drew M's in the sand for her name and then told her they were W's. She laughed at this.
  6. Handsome man, his little egg and i hung out at a small beach he lives by. He napped on blanket while little egg and I made this beach castle. I found lots of seashells for her and crab pinchers. She tells me I am her princess. I think she is 100% win.
  7. They are just such good books, you get imersed in their story. I just got through reading Galapagos and Cat's Cradle, both win!
  8. Don't sweat the petty, pet the sweaty and Treat yourself, don't cheat yourself.
  9. This hands down in one of the basis of my imagination. This movie kicks mad ass.
  10. i also read the book. America for the Soundtrack? Win! BLOODSPORT We tried staging a komate (sp?) once, then mom found out and beat us both up. She was the real winner. I think I cried in this when I was a little Mexifry. Still a favorite.
  11. Still Reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Turns out 'There Will be Blood' is a loose adaptation for Upton's book 'Oil". Looks like that is my next research and read if successful. Bump downloading books to the G1.
  12. Idiot. You don't know either of them so shut the fuck up.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Toots, LOOK AT THIS!!! We should make these. I blogged fancy spread we had at work today and while looking for pics of a happy kitty, came across these. Very Love Kills. Haha. I want to eat them. Love, Santana Beam Me Up Scotty!
  14. I have a Zune I don't use, 20 bucks and you can have it. I'll even pay shipping. I have a G1 I put music on so it just collects dust. Aside from some wear and tear, it works.
  15. Come to my house and pick one out, you know where I live!
  16. No, your grandfather is awesome. Cursive was for torture and discipline. Now we have spoiled rotten turd kids and since schools don't want to inconvienece them, it's easier to cut it out of the curriculm rather then actually make them learn anything.
  17. You ever look at your grandparents signatures? Epic. My grandfather who was an engineer for Boeing and Honeywell has these sick uppercase R's and S's that would put many to shame. This is an example of schools making it easier for kids to be lazy. Oh, it's the digital age, why spend hours on penmanship when they can just type it out, so efficient! Losers. That's why your kid is FAT!! End rant.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Edogg, I miss you. Can we ditch boys and hang out soon? Fit me in your schedule please. Santana
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