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  2. RIP. One of the iller hands to see up.
  3. one day youll be stoked you got to kick it with him.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH9E6fyaj5s&feature=watch_response hahaha.
  5. Ted Wickner 32 Hemlock Rd Livingston, NJ 07039 (973) 535-1335
  6. I actually have a pretty good understanding of both the art that was painted there and by whom. I was stating I find it funny and yes, a bit ironic that some writer went down there and went over it. For many reasons, one of which I appreciate a HOJO tag in the tunnel, or an old Milk piece, or an old Sane tag, or an old faded the fuck away Clyde cusrive shot, or an old IZ the Wiz crevice, than up and coming artists who happen to take a trek into the tunnels to do an art mission. Maybe I am savoring a past long gone, and not up on current "street art" enough to fully comprehend what they did. Totally Possible. To use the venue of the tunnels as a platform to show their "illegal" work, and to make sure it is heavily documented to give it light and legitmacy, to me, is a bit opposite of what the tunnels were all about. And are those misty fillins "prettier" than those delicate art pieces, that is all a matter of opinion and taste. Do I wish that writes got there first, and rocked burners, yep. Did I like some of the first paintings: yes. Do I like to see writers going over people because it entertains me: yes.
  7. You're right..I have no clue. I still think it is funny whoever did it. I just think it is cool to see writers crossing out the "artscene" folks. I am tired of art folks doing a spot, then it is considered worthy of attention, or press etc..when writers have been rocking tunnels for years and much of it far more impressive and worthy than a ton of wheatpastes and ironic looking characters. my $.02. thanks for listening.
  8. hahaha the art spot got handled!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahhahahaha artfags will be sad. hahahahaha.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM5gLyKBGSU GO GIANTS.
  10. REVELE TMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rest in peace. Was one of the most up all city east bay cats I ever saw.
  11. GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. its a huge joke...seriously. think about it..you just may get it.
  13. Yea Guzman is an all terrain vehicle...surprised he is slept on.. that thing is fuckin steep. sorry witty..guess it helps if I read the posts above me.
  14. http://www.thrashermagazine.com/component/option,com_hwdvideoshare/Itemid,90/lang,en/task,viewvideo/video_id,793/ wtf....
  15. REST IN PIECE. Was just reading his bio in the style writting to street art last night. Was always an inspiration and have a ton of respect for his cereberal perceptions of writing. We lost one of the brilliant minds of writing with this. ROCK ON RAMMELLZEE Travel the galaxies well.
  17. Natas 101 everslick by Slick!!!! Dope. I had 3 of those..wish i had one for the archive..Trade?
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