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  1. A new book out should be pretty good. Parallel Strokes Interviews with: Akira Kobayashi Underware Ed Fella Delta Jerry Inscoe/Joker Jens Gehlhaar Daim Seak Jonas Williamsson Handselecta Tauba Auerbach Lady Pink She One Eklips AWR/MSK Eskae Renos Mike Giant Chaz Bojorquez Barry McGee/Twist The result of a six years of research in the combined arts of lettering, graffiti, and typeface design. http://parallelstrokes.com/
  2. chris fissle- useless wodden toys.. tom knox- feeble slappy, railslide, back to feeble. no comply flip to manual...thats whats up. skating seems to be coming full circle. I just hope we don't go back to 30mm wheels and going negative mach 2. 7.75 with 54mm and INDYS...the only ones that matter. think crime.
  3. NMB's.- old school bearings that lasted forever. Swiss are the best overall.Ride without the bearing covers. Abec ratings are just a sound rating..higher the abec rating, quieter the bearing. Germans are good too. A lot of bearing companies use the same bearing, just change up the packaging and make more loot.
  4. 60/40 was funded by a dude who helped invent the wheel formula for slime balls, oj's .the speed wheels era of santa cruz..he parted ways with them and went on to fund his own distribution.. .he enlisted gonz to be the creative force behind 60/40 It was based out of freedom california. Same deal as union wheels, color, tv,prime, people, woodstock designs, kools clothing. wound up getting sued by what became dwindle for running ads of woodstock clowing on world. Many of the early plan b team rode for him (color/prime) prior to bailing and starting plan b. anyhow.... this is skating to me..
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco It is sad that any of these toys talk on ORFN. He has put in more work, paid more dues and put in more time than most any of you ever will and was writing before it was on the intraweb and you fucking clowns saw a tribal shirt, or a tag in the background of a video game. Most of you will all vanish after a few years anyhow, I just wish there was a way to speed that up.ARS CREW.
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Aeros.
  7. I half cabbed that back in the day. Now I just do slappies and no comply's. Where is armando barajas?
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco fanta. renos. pnoid. kefr.p-kin. mq. dominoes delivers..30 mins or it is free. Go dumb in them scrap yards...yee!
  9. CORNBREAD MOVIE TONIGHT http://filmind.meetup.com/239/calendar/5632385/
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...too much. sad state of affairs. Grab your belongings it is time to go now. Party is over call the rest of the crew. it's a wrap.
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco bump for pez.
  12. Skating, like graff is as good as I want it to be. If we get all caught up in the sidetrack crap of politics, drama, and media/internet hype it turns to shit. If I just go out and push, and just enjoy the feeling of pushing, the sound of wheels on concrete, an ollie up a curb, a simple no comply, I am reminded of why I started, and why I still do..skate.And writing is the same, a simple tag, a piece that was just FUN to paint..that is what it is all about. The rest of it all fades away after all and you are left with memories and maybe a few scars and a photo or twenty. sma/101- always good stuff from them 90's blind- video days streets of fire
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco CELS. PRISM.
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco does she share? let me get her number. thanks.
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco is jaut biting juice? does he know about Juice? Does he care? critical mass- every friday at 3rd and army. bring beer.
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Kode smashes and does the damn thing. He ain't online yappin' about this and that.He is out there painting, something yall shoud go out and do more of. It ain't where ya' from its where ya at. talking loud..aint saying nothing.
  17. Someone post more photos and save the gossip for the hair salon. Quit worrying about how someones hair is cut, what they wear, how they dress.Yall act like you are fucking looking for a date! talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words. HATE HATE HATE.
  18. Ech- do your thing. forget about the gangster shit, it will only ruin your life.Paint more and come back here in a year or two and drop some gems. And it is funny how everyone bagged on him, seems like you all forgot how it was to lack in skills, knowledge and game.We all start out toys,it all depends on where you finish.
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