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Everything posted by Drue_Down

  1. The only thing scarier than Candyman is the Greens during the Early 90's!!!
  2. Zorba's is the name of a XXX store in Scottsdale, AZ. My sister is named Nancy, she fucking hates it.... she is one of the few chix under 50 w/ that name.
  3. I hate muthafuckers like you.... Dbags come over from the other side of the building just to shit in the bathroom near me (It is a single occupancy) They bring bibles or magazines and shit 2-3 times a days, never turn the fan on, never use the air freshener, always leave the seat down. I HATE a work pooper! ...On another note, a Jew broad, huh?! I bet she had the big TaTaS!
  4. yay... just like me ......... + stock portfolio /nohoBo
  5. Teach it the elements before it can walk!
  6. Holy christ... I just read the menu. WTF is wrong with fatties? Do they have a defibrillator behind the counter?
  7. Stop wasting your money on fried ice cream and get a new jersey already....
  8. I can't even begin to imagine what those slums smell like. My only guess is like the rotten smell of a meat counter in mini market on Chicago's west side x10,000. :yuck:
  9. First of all, NEVER hit a co-worker.... unless you want a new job anyway. Secondly... if you are not gunna work there much longer, or her, then hit it: you ain't gunna marry it anyway, or even date it, just tap it. Plus I bet she is freaky to make up for her flaw.... dudes probably dump her ass all the time after they hit it.
  10. It's the South... Black or White, they are all retarded.
  11. They don't look much like steers to me, so that kinda narrows it down....
  12. Packers Suck, Favre Swallows!!!
  13. How can ayone root for a team called the D-Bags? Plus they play in an indoor shopping mall - heck, you can get Chinese food there. Chinese!! At a fucking baseball game! All you can get at Wrigley is a hot dog and a tall boy of OLD STYLE, now that's baseball, now that's America! GO CUBBIES!!!! FTW!!!!
  14. For the third time, I live in Phoenix, so where is the ghetto?
  15. If you are asking me.. I live here now. I moved here because it is safe compared to other cities, and it is Chicago's biggest suburb. For three years, I have been searching for the so-called mythical ghetto, and a graffiti scene. nothing. If you think PHX is unsafe, then this must be the only city you have lived in.
  16. I'd say there is nothing to fear, really, Phoenix is not a true "city" by any means, crime-wise. All they do here is break-into and steal cars -- constantly. I don't even think there are "REAL" gangs here, and the worst neighborhood here resembles the best neighborhood I ever lived in Chicago. That is why I moved here: to get away from gangbangers and corner lounging scum. PHX kids get all upity when people say that, they like to pretend PHX has a ghetto, but it just has poor Mexican neighborhoods, which are not dangerous, just seedy. Occasionally a meth-head shoots somebody in a gas station parking lot, but as for the usual city violence, it is nonexistent. I personally think it is because nobody walks here. The sidewalks are empty, so nobody is around to fuck with you. If somebody is on a sidewalk, they are either an illegal or have multiple DUI's.
  17. Apparently there is... it did just kinda ended abruptly, i thought it was pulled offair.
  18. Here is something I posted on MySpace a while back.... Phoenix Survival Guide: Get real zooted, then hang around in a Famous Sam's or a Dirty Drummer Quads are a lifestyle....Three wheelers & Rhino's are for fags! Lifted White Pickup that you NEVER take offroad.... Don't forget the "SoCal" sticker brah! Hurley shirts, all day every day. Black hat - Wear it backwards Arm Tatt's to prove you keep it real. Gotta roll strapped, the roaming gangs of south Scottsdale are no joke. Don't forget your high profile job you earned with your ASU degree to pay for all these neat things.....
  19. Just make sure her address is a ST. and not an AVE. -- that is all you need to know about Phoenix!
  20. We can't stop here, this is Commie Country!
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