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Harvey Wallbanger

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Everything posted by Harvey Wallbanger

  1. Early in my graff n' dance days, a friend and I got jumped by a very similar bunch of drunken Boston massholes. They talked a bunch of shit, we ignored, and they finally got so mad that one ran up and punched me in the back of the head. My boy, who unfortunately did not have a bat with him at the time, did have the next best thing-- a 25% MORE FREE can of black Painter's Touch. He knocked out three of the guys in an amazing flurry of awesomeness, and then the fourth tried (unsuccessfully) to pepper spray us before he sprinted off into the night. It was pretty great, except for the sucker punch part.
  2. Those dudes are so typically Boston, it's ridiculous. Good video, would watch again.
  3. After about sixteen years of being vegetarian, I started eating BLTs left and right. No problem. However, I had a hamburger a few weeks ago, and felt like I was going to die. I would just stick to bacon.
  4. I use them a lot for work. And, to a lesser extent, halloween costumes.
  5. Not bad. It's a slightly less sticky version of the butyl tape I posted, and I actually use it a lot when the other shit is going to be too permanent. I'm not sure if this is the same brand, but it looks very similar to the stuff I get at the Set Shop (on 18th st). I need to get me some of that Orco tape-- that sounds awesome. Not to mention that $500 shit... holler if you're ever able to save the last few feet of one of those!
  6. I can't carry all that around with me all the time, though, so when I finish off one of the mini rolls of gaff, I'll usually save the cardboard tube and make a new mini-roll of some other kind of tape. Then I can still have a little bit of everything, but in a more convenient package. [ATTACH]143345.vB[/ATTACH] L-R, winding: White gaff, ultra-flat black paper tape, 3-M foam double stick, clear double stick (veeeeery sticky), black gaff, yellow gaff.
  7. Yeah, it's always frustrating when I can't find a roll of scotch tape in my apartment.
  8. Post up your stash dudes!!! [ATTACH]143344.vB[/ATTACH] Chupacabra, you're right; it's not worth skimping on shitty tape. If you like the black duct, you should pick up a roll of gaff. You have to be careful though-- there's a wide range of quality to them, and when you're looking at 15 to 30 bucks a roll, you don't want to get burned.
  9. I disagree... elatoplast is a very good tape, but butyl tape is the stickiest tape ever. [ATTACH]143343.vB[/ATTACH] I get the shit imported from overseas.
  10. Yeah, gaff tape rules. I like the mini rolls: [ATTACH]143341.vB[/ATTACH] They're cool, because you can manage your tape more efficiently by doing this: [ATTACH]143342.vB[/ATTACH]
  11. Okay, fuck it. This thread is about tape now.
  12. You know why there's a no drug talk rule around here? It's not 'cuz we hate drugs-- I'm high as fuck right now. It's because these conversations are so retarded for both sides, it's embarrassing. If you're into smoking weed, it makes sense to know how to trim your shit, when you want sativa verses indica, etc. It's just like knowing which ingredients to use when you're cooking, or knowing what kinds of beer you like or don't. Making fun of someone for being knowledgeable about something they're into seems kind of stupid, since probably everyone in here knows way too much about some obscure topic that everyone else would think is pointless. You would literally not believe how much I know about tape (like, sticky tape. I own about thirty different rolls of tape at any given time. Threadworthy? No.) On the other hand, getting all High Times on the internet with a bunch of people you're not even passing a joint with does sort of invite ridicule. Hence, the rules, you stupid hippies.
  13. Bump to the next page. This is one of my favorites so far.
  14. Barbecue joints, waffle house, and hot tubs.
  15. You big dummy! Mods are going to close the fuck out of this thread!
  16. Imagine how quickly these dudes would just disappear if nobody replied to their threads...
  17. I wish I got in here 4 posts ago so I could have played the co-co-cosign breaker. *5 posts ago.
  18. It's funny to listen to that song, and picture this lady rapping while DJ Jazzy Jeff stands at the mixing board and bobs his head.
  19. I'll bet Christopher Nolan has a money bin full of gold coins that he swims around in, too.
  20. Side note-- you know how you can tell when I don't care about a thread topic? I don't waste my time or energy posting anything in it.
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