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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. in the process of sketching a Sound.
  2. looks almost like suke..but i like it..
  3. vise u cant do a simple simple..keep working on em till u can perfect em with ur eyes closed....trust me...
  4. stot on teh ts... the bits on the bottom almost make them look like cs
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear sey, sweetnlow? freaks
  6. freakeenyc


    HOLY SHIT MARVEL VERSUS CAPCOM 3s gonna come out!!!!! FUCK YA!!!!!! FUCK YA!!
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear garden hoe, taking stats as well...final coming up...:(, u a math major? freaks
  8. should be studying..but arguing on the internets abt this "stop snitchin" shit
  9. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD i see ur woooooooo and raise u...
  10. srsly armands shits tight i dunno how yall are talking shit abt him...
  12. oh shi..riek...just noticed that the shodow on the upper right leg of the k is wrong. i think??? hahhah i still cant figure out shadows after 7 years... stotr i like where ur going with that
  13. nice riek simple..like the fontalot.. also for ur hands...try em really simply...fontstyle. or even ur regular handwriting style.and move from there..
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear chair that i am sitting on for hours and will continue to sit on, Fuck you..ur turrible... </3 freak
  15. studying it up...for a few hours now..and will continue to do so...who mad?! i am :(
  16. i know we're waiting for the GOES painted battle.. but how abt a "Guru" sketch battle in the meanwhile..
  17. i would like to point out taht im not an old geezer...hahha @previous comments feelin em gunies .... and good simple riek
  18. werd its not that serious..im sure most of these peicers are don in chill spots /legal wallas or for productions
  19. werd thats definately better.. finally got around to coloring shit..
  20. that vise still has several problems..the letters are at differnt angles...the thickness of the letters vary..ie the Bottom of the S is huge. compared to the top..
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