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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. nice work eido..maybe double outline some of ur peices more...
  2. been doing pages and pages of throws...since i suck at em..heres 2 versions im trying to improve haha we should have a scrabble battle...look up how many points ur letters are worth.. also i did this sketch for a dude who writes soon..I Definately think i subconsciously bit it...maybe seen...any1 know? just has been bugging me ..
  3. tahts tight site...wat are u coloring with...
  4. taht looks cool i just dont see the letters...wats it supposed to say.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear boat, team sleep problems! yo i went to sleep aroun 8am woke at 3pm freak
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear internet, after not having paid for u for a year...and leaching offa other ppls internets..i cant stand this slow <56k speeds any longer.... freaks
  7. ozone..tahts dope and all ..jsut a crit that i have is that the second o in ozone..looks more like an A...esp since its way differnt than the first o....
  8. dang mines is 2 rigid compared to the other entries..
  9. israel fucked up recently with the whole flotilla ship thing... but other than taht tis a dope peice nuce..feeling the letters and chars.
  10. big fan of ur style dude.^
  11. feeling teh vertical one.
  12. all the tc regulars have grown tired of tc :(
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo hey sey, greater than 10? freak
  14. hahah ^ ive been on the mic all alone...
  15. [/img] the rain in spain falls mainly in the plain.......good movie btw/nh
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear suki, whose this dirty sanchez character, freak...
  17. ^that.. and word u see wat u did on the S thats good..just keep doing it...tell ur lines are straighter ..and can rock it naturally..u can also add an extra dimension to ur simples by adding 3d
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