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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Let me elaborate on my thought process on why i think the panic from the news coverage is making this worse.. Other ailments, injuries, and illnesses have not all the sudden stopped happening because COVID-19 sat in the driver seat of our minds. Like @-Rage- said, when you go to a hospital on an average day, you have people there for routine appointments, surgeries, treatments, and so on. What you also have is sickly and elderly folk, which are the people reported to be the most susceptible to this virus, especially in terms of death rate. So say you have an elderly woman, much like the one i just watched get wheeled in on a stretcher. She’s there for whatever reason, non coronavirus related. Now here comes Joe or Jane strolling in, freaking the fuck out because they have a cough and a runny nose. They are in fairly healthy condition, and by what seems to be being reported, they will be able to push through this virus with some TLC at home, if they actually have it. They are in the same waiting room or same department as that elderly woman and have now potentially exposed her. Worst cases scenario, she catches the virus and dies.. ..All because they have been sold potential outcomes, statistics and impending doom from whatever news outlet they’re following. They panicked, fearing worst case scenario of death because that’s largely what we’re seeing being covered. They didn’t adhere to what the CDC and medical professionals have suggested for healthy folk with minor symptoms, and went and got medical attention needlessly. Thus, spreading the virus to the more susceptible, increasing the fear which will increase the panic, and make this worse. This is why i’m assuming i’m seeing and hearing about our hospitals nationwide beginning to cancel non emergent appointments and surgeries, and are turning people away. They need the resources right now, for people who might actually fucking need it. It’s not just about supplies, but staff as well. Supplies can be made, and are still being made. Trained medical staff cant be whipped up in a factory.
  2. The hospital i’m at, (and i’ve heard similar things from friends in other parts of the country,) is taking everyone’s temperature at the main entrance. All other entrances are locked down and mostly guarded. Word is if you aren't in need of immediate healthcare or an employee you aren’t getting in. Some have set up pop-up triage tents in the parking lots. I’ve also heard through the grapevine that they’re having issues in ER departments in other hospitals because people are calling ambulances because they’re having mild symptoms and freaking out causing issues with already limited resources. The panic surrounding this situation caused by doom and gloom news coverage is making this worse. People refusing to listen to the advice of the CDC and medical professionals, are making this worse.
  3. A few years ago my buddy was in a bank in Boston during a bad snow storm and apparently a dude walked in with a beanie, snowboard goggles, and a scarf around his neck and slid a note. He had no idea until the dude left and the workers started freaking out, haha.
  4. Just saw Canada closed its borders except to Americans, haha.
  5. Actually from yesterday and not current but what the fuck you gon do. IMG_1484.MOV
  6. Just hit my local market. Aside from the tp the shelves were fine. Obviously on the lower side but stocked nonetheless.
  7. @Fist 666 The madness comment i meant mostly in terms of numbers alone. Surely if all our grandmas and grandpas start dying off we’ll feel the effects as a whole. I know i don’t want ol Nana dying on me. I also should probably restate that by “fuck em” i also mean, maybe quarantine the more susceptible instead of the largely infected populous. And if that doesnt work, maybe, fuck em.
  8. Lets have some fun with a conspiracy my afternoon-drunken brain laughed at while sitting by the river drinking and reading, “A Short History of Progress,” earlier: Our politicians and their corporate pals are forcing this media driven COVID-19 mania/societal shutdown because they realized the majority of them fall into the age bracket of those most likely to succumb to the virus and die and they’re terrified of losing power and an accidental revolution so they want to squash the chances of them being exposed as quick as possible by quarantining the rest of society with no regard to how it’ll effect the lower classes because as always, they will be fine.
  9. Italy was hit the hardest mainly cause they have the oldest population demos in Europe This is also a point that is not being brought up, and while i’m taking @Kultsword on this, its what i’ve been assuming. That, or their hospitals are utter shit. China’s air is absolutely terrible, some people wear masks in every day life. No wonder a virus that destroys lung function effected these populations the most.
  10. The fragility of society is something i think is pretty clear at this point. Everyone likes to think because they watch The Walking Dead they’re going to survive the end of civilization but we all know we won’t. I saw a funny point against the “just in time inventory,” at least i thought it was funny. It was pointing out how Capitalism doesn’t allow for things to be stored in bulk, which in times like right now may or may not come in handy. Not saying one way or the other, just a funny thought to think about. I raise this question: At what point do we decide to say fuck the quarantine and fuck the more susceptible? Are we talking deaths or just simple sickness? If this virus is mostly killing the old and sickly, people who are “dying anyway,” at what point, if it got to that point, would we as a society, say fuck em. If it got that bad, which i’m still not buying, we need to survive and we can’t do that pandering to everyone’s emotions. We need to go to work, sick or not, and we would need to persevere. If it got that bad there’s no time for bullshit, only cold calculation. Right now the lives of 327,000,000+ people are being affected because of 62 deaths and 3000+ people sick (last i saw.) this is madness. Utter madness. Think of it like this, for all the gun folk out there, on either side. If we shut down society every time 62 people died and 3000 people were injured by gunfire in America in the span of time that this virus has taken hold, we’d be shutdown forever.
  11. You will absolutely be judged. I’ve seen quite a few people basically say that by going out in public you are actively participating in someone else's death. Pretty nonsensical.
  12. Rock on. I’m less and less concerned by this as time is going on because these reports seem to be more and more misleading. The news says a state has X amount of cases, these seem to be presumptive positives, and not necessarily confirmed by the CDC. Just read a headline that “New York Announces First Deaths Linked To Coronavirus.” It was an 82 year old woman with emphysema and a 65 year old dude with “significant health issues.” Pardon my coldness, but, bitch they were already dead.
  13. It looks like the news stories are shifting from numbers and deaths to generic nonsense surrounding the virus.. Starting to make we wonder if there ain’t all that much to report on anymore.
  14. Woke up to the power being out. I go outside to walk the dog thinking it was going to be deathly silent and eerie. I hwsr people talking everywhere and one kid yells “WOO! Block party in the dark!” I made it about half a block and the power kicked back on and everyone just turned around and went back inside, hah.
  15. When you’re on 6 tabs of LSD standing out and public watching them coronavirus cells whizz past you.. FullSizeRender.mov
  16. I’m glad our healthcare system is putting measures into place and talking about all the what-ifs right now. I’m still of the mind that folks need to chill out. If you watch the news there are 36 cases of COVID-19 in Louisiana. We’ve even been told in the hospital there are confirmed cases.. .. yet the state of Louisiana and the CDC have yet to confirm one. Edit: It looks like Italy is seeing a slow down now that they’re isolating. China claims they’re over peak infection.. But, what the fuck do i know. I just signed my keys to the city though so if y’all go on lockdown i’m free to be about and about because i’m “essential medical staff.”
  17. The shelves of baby wipes was fucking stocked. Yall can wipe your ass with that archaic paper shit i’m pampering my B-hole in these panicky ass times.
  18. Things i think of while in the shower.. these people fighting over and buying up all water probably the same type of mother fuckers that been passing by that water for years while slugging back 12 pack after 12 pack of soda.
  19. “Can i get uh a number 4, no pickles, with uh, large please, uh COVID, what was that? Oh, uhhh, coke? Ya can i get a COVID swab too.. that’ll be it.” Not a bad idea, it’s just the most American shit i’ve heard in a while, haha.
  20. False alarm on the false alarm. They were confirmed with COVID-19 and we were misinformed. Good to see communication is functioning properly.
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