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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. To circle back around to this.. I always buy waters in bulk because i piss through them, usually the 3/$9, 4/$10 type deals. Today i stocked up with 3 and i actually did have the weird guilt feeling. Which is funny to me because there is plenty of water, haha.
  2. I realized the other day i mostly shit at work, haha. Ive had the same roll on deck for weeks at home.
  3. Haha, ya know, in reality it’s probably half and half. So, maybe? However, i genuinely did buy some extra shit because a woman with kids at work mentioned just a few hours ago that she couldnt find any meat. Shes a work friend of mine and a work friend of my lady and i’m currently here alone and my girl is locked down in another state so i’m gonna try to assist people we care about here if i can, and they’ll allow me to. I definitely take care of myself, as is instinct, but i’ve spent years contemplating and trying to practice the concept of doing things for the greater good over self interest, and as i’ve gotten older i’m trying to practice that more and more. edit: i also have a shitload of boxes of pasta I've been slowly hoarding for weeks intentionally for my own use so i have no problem feeding off this shit, ha.
  4. No even gonna lie, I've been wanting to hit the strip club but i wanna make sure we ain't being reckless.
  5. Store near finally stocked up on some meat. I grabbed a bunch and froze it. If i talk to anyone that lives in my building/grounds or someone i know and they need some meat i got them, giggity. I don’t trust anyone right now because clearly the initial panic-and-grab showed no one gives a fuck about anyone else. I’d rather i have it than they do because i know i’m not a total twat.
  6. I’m not calling this a flex but a simple good tasting snack/meal depending on how many you eat. Was a staple of my childhood and i would argue better than any damn pizza bagel. English muffin pizzas bitch. there’s only 3 cause i ate one. Edit/PS: Great little thing to make with kids, they can make their own and who the fuck doesnt like pizza?
  7. True, but not of the virus, i’m becoming increasingly more concerned about the economical impact this is going to have person below learned a new word yesterday
  8. I’ve heard basically every symptom of the flu is a symptom. Which is why about a week ago you probably could have convinced me that i had it because for days i was aching, had headaches, diarrhea, sweats, chest pains.. but i was lacking a fever and a cough. But i also had to remind myself that i had ran 4 miles for the first time ever on Monday, the longest probably being a mile in school. I was waiting a lot of red meat. I had got hammered the previous Sunday and hangovers last a fee days in my old age and my hypochondria was sending my anxiety through the roof. I find it ironic that out of many people i know, i’m the least worried and one of the highest to likely be exposed. You would think my general hypochondria would be raging. Unless i’ve gone so far into anxiety i’ve come out the other end cold as ice.
  9. I’m saying. I mean the rest of the past 4 years have been something out of Idiocracy why not electrolytes to save us all?
  10. The point to all that is fuck the news right now. Listen to the CDC. If the CDC is telling you to wash your hands and stay in small groups, which they are, do it. This isn’t about “fake news” or some nonsense, it’s about listening to proper authorities on the matter and fuck the news for spouting nothing but impending doom to society. We need some fucking optimism. Somebody could spill their Gatorade on a sample of COVID-19 tomorrow and find out all we need to do to kill the virus is bathe in some Cool Blue and we’ll be right as rain, haha. Joke at the end to lighten the mood. Chins up ya fucks. Wash ya hands. Party at @Europes house when it’s all over.
  11. I don’t know who said that but it certainly isn’t what i think. I’ve said in this thread that i think there has to be outlying factors for why things have gone to hell in Italy. Last i saw, most countries are floating around that 1-3% mortality rate. Italy was at like 9%, that cannot be a coincidence, there has to be other factors. I fully understand how serious this virus can be. Like I stated earlier in the thread i was told this morning at work i could be getting thrown into the lions den come next week, as many hospitals are preparing for a spike this week. I have friends in Boston and they are preparing for the same thing. Surgical rooms are being turned into ICU rooms, other make shift ICU rooms are being made, triage centers are popping up in parking lots.. The situation is no joke. That said, what also needs to be understood is that this situation where American hospitals are being overwhelmed is different than Italy, currently, not saying that can’t change for the worse.. People are rushing to ERs because they are freaking out because of what they’re being told by the news (see headline below as an example.) I have received this information from a woman that runs an ER department in New Orleans, this isn’t me assuming things. She has said that people calling 911 for coughs and mild conditions are fucking everything up. They’re seeing death tolls and Italy this and that, and 60-70% infected, and holy shit it’s the apocalypse and panicking. Infected doesn‘t mean death. It means you could get a cough, or your lungs could fail, it’s a big spectrum. So far it seems that if you are a healthy young adult, the chances of you being just fine are high. According to the WHO, 1.35 million die every year in road traffic accidents, about 3700 a day. How many times have you been in a car the last 3 months? According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 3100+ deaths due to gun violence in 2020 in America. Thats excluding the 5200+ suicides, bringing the death toll to 8400+..And guns are flying off the shelves during this coronavirus panic. Now let’s get to the fun part, COVID-19. According to the CDC there have been 10.4k+ cases of COVID-19 with 149 deaths. These include confirmed and PRESUMPTIVE cases, which are assumed due to state evidence, but not confirmed by the CDC. These numbers aren’t staggering yet. Not saying they can’t get there, we’re seeing spikes in certain parts of the country, but to date this still hasn’t gotten that crazy. Only about half of the cases tested in Louisiana have been reported to the CDC. This means half of the people rushing to the ER and clogging up resources do not have the virus. In New York State there have been over 32k people tested, and only 7102 confirmed by the state. So only about 22% of the people tested actually have the virus, meaning roughly 78% of people rushing to the ER did not, yet. And my argument has been it’s because of headlines like this one below that you’ll see on social media or on your favorite media outlet that are driving people into mania. I have had a few friends cite this article already without even knowing where the information came from. Some of them are saying things like they heard young people are getting it now and the virus is getting stronger. Meanwhile, if you actually read the article, It’s 20% of 2500 people that they had info on and only 12% were in the ICU, and there was no information about whether or not those people had underlying health conditions.
  12. Haha false, that sort of shit doesn't fly in my field. They’ll make your ass get tested before you go anywhere. Person below thinks this 3 mile run i’m about to do might kill me before this coronavirus does.
  13. Heard that the CDC is starting to clamp down on state testing and the “presumptive positive“ talk. I have a screen shot of my states website from last Saturday that had a chart with their “presumptive positive” cases. Today that same chart says “cases reported.”
  14. Fun fact: Not all masks that are N95 are the same as medical N95 masks. We were told that today by the director of our surgical department. Most masks being bought out there that say N95 are essentially dust masks. The one i posted is the one you want. We were also told this morning that jobs may be reallocated soon. Ya boy may be getting thrown on the “front lines.” I’ve heard from friends back in Boston that they’re expecting and prepping for a spike in the next week or so as well. So i guess we’ll have to wait and see. I don’t know if i’d call it a make or break point, but maybe an indicator oh how serious this thing is or not.
  15. And i mean rightfully so to a degree. You and many people around here have families now. You don’t have as much time to sit around and dissect this shit as i have the time. You need to act in case this shit is real. If my estimations were wrong and something happened to me it’s just my own ass on the line, and my dog, but it’s not not my whole family. Just to clarify though i was speaking in terms of people in my everyday life where i’ve laid out much of the info you had Raven and had them calmed down and then an hour later “dude 4 more people are infected..” I can see how what i said can be misconstrued to me be just being like “i told ya,” and thats not what i meant to out out on here. Any of us that frequent the News section can probably agree that i have trouble with the way things come out being the wrong way sometimes, haha. My lady can confirm as well.
  16. Ive said it previously in this thread but part of me still wants to intentionally catch this virus and isolate. I want my body to know how to fight this shit off so when 2.0 comes around it’ll have an idea of what to do, or it’ll be like “pfft.. this bitch again.”
  17. I stand by what i’ve been saying since the jump. No, it does not. The herd was told there was a bump in the night and we ran off the damn cliff. I agree with the CDC recommendations of staying at home and all that, but the news is largely at fault for the panic that ensued and everyone ignoring those recommendations because they are afraid. The news did what they always do and sold the doom. Leaving the populous in disarray, where no one can think straight because all they see is a death toll that is largely insignificant in the grand scheme. If they had they would have understood things like the demographics of Italy. That many Chinese already wear masks because their air is so polluted and they exist on top of each other. So obviously a virus that attacks the respiratory system is going to hit these populations the hardest. Logically Africa should be fucking RAVAGED by this virus, because if i’m not mistaken they are the most effected by pneumonia, which is essentially how this virus kills you. It’s a flu like virus that turns to pneumonia real quick in those that have lower immune systems. The social, economic, political, and global consequences that ripple out from this virus are going to be worse than the virus itself. If i’m wrong i’ll be the first to admit it. I’m one of few people i know that have been telling people to relax since the jump off, but nobody wants to, nobody wants to hear it. I’ve had conversations with people and have seemingly talked them off the panic ledge and then a new report comes out from the news and its back to the ledge.
  18. Working, haha. Life is as it always is on my end. Not a single thing has changed except i have to walk in one particular door and get my temperature read before i can proceed to work.
  19. My question the past few days is: What, if anything, is going to happen when the dust settles and everyone’s looking around like we just got in a car wreck in a movie saying “you good? I’m good, you good? I’m good.. Cool..” and then all heads slowly turn and evil eye China like “WHAT THE FUCK BRO.” And the Chinese government is just sitting there like..
  20. I’m trying profit off a crisis and make an egregious sum of money like a proper Capitalist @Europeknock it off before i come to YOUR home. I’m just kidding. ❤️ u.
  21. Honestly, probably true unknowingly.. person below prefers coca cola over pepsi
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