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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Simply doing what you’re told is different than making what you deem an informed decision based on current evidence. You think it’s horse shit, Mercer seemed to think it was less of a risk than not getting it. This is more of a trusting medical science than trusting a government thing. I’ve said this before but medical staff are some of the first people to get vaccines. They’re required to get flu vaccines every year or wear a face mask for the entirety of flu season. I know a shitload of people who have received the vaccine at this point, they’re all fine. Some got sick for a day or so, which can happen with any vaccine, but they’re all doing just dandy. Not cyborgs, not turning into gay frogs, I haven’t seen Mercer screaming about the bourgeoisie yet so he’s still not fully converted to a Communist so the vaccine must not be working properly and he must need the special 3rd shot... (cough) ...what... nothing..
  2. I had it, i got royally fucked up, almost had to make an ER visit because of breathing issues. Only reason i didn't go was because i said fuck it, haha. I was having some serious breathing issues though.
  3. So i havent used Snapchat in quite some time. I honestly forget it’s even on my phone. Yesterday i got added by a completely random account named “Gunplug Harry” and they tried to sell me this..
  4. I dont know if its that simple, haha. Bullying can turn someone into a humble person, or it can turn them into a spiteful psychopath. edit: i get what y’all are saying though.
  5. Is it an issue that it’s painting a picture that your service is gonna be all sunshine and rainbows, or that it’s like “weak”? I would imagine that’s pretty effective propaganda for young girls. Just like the be a man type recruitment videos for young men, which i still see. I agree that the military definitely shouldn’t be weak, but i also don’t think those types of people are signing up for the military to begin with, haha. I don’t know if comparing it to a totalitarian government’s military is the way to go either though.
  6. See i’m more worried about that increase from shit like the wall than i am handouts. I live a pretty comfortable life and i don’t even make all that much money. This is also where some people would say i tend to start getting very “lefty”. I’m ok with my taxes taking care of people, if that’s what it’s actually doing, but i think we all agree on the issues there.. If having less money to buy less material possessions means some lady who genuinely needs the help to feed her kids is taken care of, i’m ok with that. I understand that it was her choice to have kids and shit, but maybe she was a young dumb kid herself when she got pregnant, and abortion wasn’t an option for social or religious reasons, or whatever the fuck. I think the taking care of these neighbors would benefit the community as a whole more than it would harm it. Is this fool proof? Absolutely not, there’s always going to be cunts. But generally here in America, out neighbors dont have to steal from each other, because we’re all doing pretty fucking good. The only thing that prevents those people south of that border from doing as well as we are is that line we drew in the sand, if that line wasn’t there, there may be no need to cross into our yards. I think our culture promotes a massive level of self absorbance and consumerism, and it’s something i’ve spent about 2 decades of my life trying to check myself on. I just don't agree with that aspect or our culture, the self indulgence is out of control. I’m just starting to feel like the world is slowly advancing, and becoming a lot more unified, and something like a wall just creates a more of an “us vs them” mentality. It seems a bit archaic and irrelevant. The only reason i’d even put a fence around the yard is to keep my dumb ass dog from running into a neighbors yard and shitting or into the street to get hit by cars. On a personal level it would be more of a privacy thing. Like if i wanted to lay outside in the grass with my dick out but understand my neighbors may not want to see that, (pause).. If someone wants to poke around on the land that i deem mine i can handle that without a fence, or a wall. If my neighbor built a huge wall around their house i’d assume one of two things, they’re a massive cunt, or they’re trying to hide some shit.
  7. I honestly dont understand how anyone in the US can see the history of the Mexico/US border and think a wall is going to do anything. Especially on a forum based around graffiti writers who get to the other side of walls and fences for shits and giggles.. now imagine being desperate. Furthermore, Chapo has been digging tunnels around Mexico for decades. A fucking prison couldn't keep him behind their walls you think a shitty un-patrolled border wall is gonna fo the trick? Seems like a waste of time and a lot of money.
  8. I just feel like Tennessee should be more worried about shit like Memphis being a crime riddled dump and not so much about a handful of migrant children with matching luggage. But media gonna be media.. talk about virtue signaling.
  9. - “Where are the children going? We want transparency!” - “They’re going to their families and this old dorm group home that you have the address of until we figure things out.” - ”where are the children going!? We want transparency!” - “we just told you..” - “TRANSPARENCY NOW!”
  10. (Seinfeld voice) What’s the deal with Eth2? Is it worth it to convert and stake on Coinbase? I assume this means it has to sit in their wallet? Asking for me. Responses will be paid for in my nudes or props, your choice.
  11. Yes and no on the child thing, that’s a real complicated issue/response, haha. I’d be happy to answer that at some point, that’s probably gonna be long winded though. I would say personal biases and ego skew the outlook on whether things are better or worse. To repurpose the statement @Dirty_habiThas thrown around recently.. to a bee, a fresh pile of cow shit on some flowers it has been feeding off of may now be useless, but to the fly it’s a godsend. The bees adapt and move on to the next flower, and the fly now feeds in its place. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”- Charles Darwin This was written on a stone outside the rehab center i went to after my motorcycle accident. It’s stuck with me ever since.
  12. I agree with the “Capitalism ftw for now.” Which is not a way i’ve always felt. I dont think accepting the fundamental views as unchangeable is an absolute though, i think it’s a copout for poor behavior. Klan members have hung up their robes, pacifists have turned violent and vice versa, ect.. I personally wasn’t always the biggest fan of Capitalism. Educating myself and thinking about it for years on end changed my view. I will also fully credit @misteravenand @Mercerfor having a hand in that to some degree. I think there’s always room for modification. I think most, if not all, isms have their pros and cons. I used to have a “yolo” nihilist outlook on the world, and used it as an excuse for bad behavior. While i still may be a nihilist in my belief that in the end it means nothing, i no longer use that as an excuse. It may mean nothing in the end “for me”, but it can still effect those left behind, and still has meaning while i’m here. Sure nothing is perfect, the sober person might slip and use again, the pacifist acts violent.. but in the big picture, it is possible to change your view and behavior.
  13. I wouldn’t argue that the US isn’t a great place in comparison, i’m a big fan. I live a comfortable life here compared to what many people around the world were born into. I dont think that doesn't mean we cant do better, or shouldn’t strive to do better. Admitting you have flaws isn’t a weakness.
  14. Cant say honestly, was a kid during those years, but.. I would think the internet has also accelerated things, so a situation where someone takes a year to get bat shit crazy into an idea takes a few weeks now because of the access to information and communication. In some ways maybe worse, but in some ways maybe also better? I guess it depends what we’re talking about specifically.
  15. Fair question, haha. But i mean if the choices are stay and get slapped around or leave and get raped AND slapped around by the next guy, is that much of a choice?
  16. Always been this way i feel. The internet and access to social media just makes it more obvious.
  17. Bro, you better knock the shit off today bro. Use these weapons to knock the shit off today bro.
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