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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Here comes the cliche leftist argument, but, fuck it… I’m sure there’s a Native family somewhere in Colorado that would love for you to give them their land back. Economic systems sound great on paper. Within the application you need to be practical and adjust for variables. Unchecked Capitalism is heading for collapse. It is is going to be the same end result as Communism or any other economic system we fear oh so much in America. The few will have the most, and the most will have little. This is already becoming more evident in modern America. There are worker strikes across the country. The working class is tired of dying, being maimed and disabled, and working their lives away for the benefit of the very few. If these truths remain unrealized and unchecked, it is only going to get worse. You know damn well it’s not that simple. We have a system where politicians can impose their religious beliefs on entire populations. Making abortions illegal, and then blame the parents for having children. We have southern states that consider the only form of sex education they’re going to allow is teaching abstinence. Sure, the parents can teach their children sexual education, but not when the same system has normalized these parents, or the single parent, working overtime or multiple jobs to be able to afford the school lunches and their rent. Roughly 50.6 million kids are enrolled in public school. Lets round up and say the average school breakfast and lunch per day equals $5. There’s about 170 days in a school year. That’s roughly $43 billion for the year, for the country. In 2019, about 157 million people were employed in the US. It would cost roughly $5-6 per work week, per worker to feed the public schools. So, would you rather $5 a day/$25 per week for your kid to eat at school, or live in a system where a community truly takes care of their own, and you pay $5 a week. What sounds more economically logical for the working class? Wouldn’t want to opt in? That’s fine. But you won’t get to benefit off of those who contribute. I don’t have children, but would happily pay the $5/week to be sure no child in an American school ever has to worry about that. I want my community to thrive. It is possible to be pragmatic and “emotional”.
  2. Imagine working a full time job, being sold an American dream, barely scraping by while the price of everything rises but your wages remain the same, having to choose between food in the fridge or a roof over your head because despite the promise of a self regulating market after evictions rental prices are only going up up and away, you have a government that is failing you at every possible chance despite the party in power, despite the fact that the Capitalists that are here to save you are the same ones corrupting the government through lobbying, outsourcing the labor force to other countries, leading to the current cause of inflation because of greed and lack of desire for fair wages and concern for safety as a worker, while not paying their share of the same taxes levied against you.. ..and then being told it’s your fault fir not working hard enough. ..Sounding a little Animal Farm-y over there my friend.. Work harder! Build the windmill! Your fair share is coming down the pike comrade.
  3. I’ve collected probably $50-60 from those lessons at this point. Honestly, you can guess the answers pretty easily. Even if you get it wrong i think it gives you chances to guess again. Easy money.
  4. I have no clue whats going on with Shiba but i fucks with it. Even if i’m not making stacks like i’m sure some others are at the moment.
  5. Converted all those coins i got from Coinbase’s “Lessons” into Shiba. Playing with house money now.
  6. https://qctimes.com/news/local/update-uaw-wants-temporary-injunction-in-deere-strike-to-be-vacated/article_9b0f4f75-39ae-5d82-827d-782d4273cd44.html
  7. It wasnt much, but i dropped like $40 on Shiba for shits and giggles back in May. One of those like “gonna forget about this and hope i check it in like 5 years and have a stack.”
  8. What the fuck is happening, and why should i care? I will check back. I will not be googling this.
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