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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. If you were right i would be more than happy to admit so. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong, ask my lady. I do my own research all the time, haven't found any to support your claim yet. You hinted at what? That he was murdered by the Rothschild's or Clinton in the pizza shop where Pizzagate took place? What exactly did you hint to?
  2. i'll keep a weathered eye on this evidence in my DMs, but i'm not going to hold my breath, because i'm assuming it's nonsense and you don't want it publicly posted and holes poked through it.
  3. Bullshit. when we were going back and forth in that other thread you "called me out" on dodging questions and moving goal posts. i asked you to specifically cite me and quote me where i did that, you never did. I'm telling you now, convince me, show me legitimate evidence that isn't from fuckcnn.com to prove otherwise and i will consider it. It's very simple, he makes a claim, if it was so easy for him to find out that it was uploaded to IG and not his forum by the shooter, it would be just as easy for him to publicly out such information. He hasn't from what i've seen.
  4. Sure dont, and you dont have evidence to prove Watkins’ claims do you? Feel free to DM me the evidence, or do i need to break the ice and message first for for you to send it?
  5. And your political posts echo every conspiracy theory nut. The difference is i would be willing to bet a fair chunk of change that if evidence he was in fact murdered (lets stop beating around the bush, you’re claiming he was murdered, suicided is a fancy term for conspiracy theorists,) we would all be like “oh shit, look at that, a conspiracy did take place and he was murdered.. fuck me.” Where as you will never be otherwise convinced of your opinion that everything is a conspiracy. All the evidence in the world wont change your mind. If there was video footage, conspiracy theorists would claim it was doctored, provide some half baked evidence, and you’d probably buy into it because 8chan told you so and CNN says otherwise.
  6. He, Watkins, said it was uploaded to Instagram and someone else, not the shooter, uploaded it to 8chan. He has provided no evidence of his claims as far as i’ve seen.
  7. I’m not saying i believe he was “suicided” per say, he may have just been reminded of the seriousness of his situation and they may have just left him to his own devices.
  8. I’ve heard the same thing about 8chan, as far as i’m aware it was taken down largely in part because of the most recent manifesto. Even the founder called for it to get shit down and had said himself he found the manifesto on there.
  9. abrasivesaint


    Damn, hope everything turns out ok for you. I’ve always wondered about the concept of more “ethically strong” people joining the police force, one of those “if you don’t like something do something about it,” type situations.. Then we come down to Mercer’s argument about enforcing laws you don't believe in and so on, very complicated.
  10. If i’m not mistake he was only involved in the “reinvestigations” of MLK and JFK, no? I’m having trouble finding anything that says he was involved in the original autopsies, in fact the JFK report i saw didn’t have his name anywhere. Obviously not saying things arent done off the books, but.. He was also hired by Epstein lawyers to observe, not preside over, if i’m not mistaken. Having control and standing over someones shoulder and going “hey wait a minute now,” are 2 different things, ha.
  11. Gonna check this out.
  12. abrasivesaint


    I will argue that some, when they don’t wholeheartedly support a law, don’t enforce it. When the guy down the street that is kidnapping people is doing so very willingly and consciously. Unless there’s some outlying factors, diving into the technicality world. Drawing from personal situations, I have been in situations, and seen situations where cops let shit slide where they would have been 100% within their legal rights to slap some bracelets, some minor offenses, some not. Now i have most certainly seen the other side, and experienced it a couple times. A kid i went to high school with became a cop after his military service. I forget what branch and what his rank, title or whatever was, but he was the type of dude that sets charges for breaches. He hates being a cop. He says he lets people slide all time, to the point where he’s been chastised for it by superiors. This kid fractured the occasional law growing up, and it was honestly quite hilarious to me that he became a cop, but i’d trust his judgment.
  13. Slab of honey ham, about 15 seconds ago.
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