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Everything posted by xen

  1. Dude, all I can say is I wish I'd have spent my younger years a bit different and anyone in your age bracket that's not out there doing it is doing it wrong. I've done my share wandering and had some times but nothing that could come close to your level. If you don't write a book out of this shit, you have done this for nothing and a disservice to the rest of us lames without the balls and skills necessary to make it happen in our own lives. it means something. i just want the book. i wouldn't even pirate it.
  2. Seeing them Thursday and felt this was fitting. I can't wait. I haven't seen live music in so long and having been a fan for years, I am beyond psyched that I am in place to get to.
  3. Damn the death of the oontz. Must spread rep before giving it to MedicineCabinet again,
  4. lol @ ratio. Message me on site. I have 1.12 TB of buffer before I hit 1.05 that I have no idea how to dump. I'll grab any single seeded thing you have. Maybe twice. xen there also. Offer stands for any oontzer. Mentioning 12 ounce gets you a doorknob and buffer.
  5. good lookin sonnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!! Tried looking for a link to streaming The Hayride, not the one from Louisiana but a local old school country radio show but no dice. I think you'd dig it as well.
  6. TOR isn't very complicated and reasonably safe. It has some legit uses besides finding some sketch hit man, drugs, or kiddie porn. I have bought legit acid off the silk road but that was some 2 years ago and before it got shut down. No way I'd trust it now. I have a VPN and am an exit node for TOR. No worries here. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-01-23/tor-anonymity-software-vs-dot-the-national-security-agency /onlymoderatelytechsavvyoner.
  7. xen


    One of my good friends, old drinking buddies, dude taught me how to paint and was a true inspiration with almost six years of sobriety. I'm talking heroin, booze, pills, every skull and crossbones in the room he just put down but I guess the demons became too much and for whatever reason, he jumped off the wagon. He has a broken neck they had to remove his spleen has laceration to kidney and adrenal gland. Whole left side rib cage and collar bone is broke. He had a collapsed lung. Right now he is in a six hour surgery to plate his ribs. He rolled his truck right after he left my house. I feel like a complete asshole for letting him leave. Fuck it all i guess.
  8. xen

    Head On!

    I am still confused. Apply where?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mREu8TmByIM&feature=youtu.be
  10. I'm feeling that Common album. http://www.folkways.si.edu/
  11. ^so that's how i get to be part of the 1%. #Occupy12oz and fuck the "new layout." if that shit's the future of 12oz, consider it pop. 7
  12. http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/2418/web
  13. you could play sarah mclachlan behind a special olympics victory and it'd be enough to well up. Glad you had a good time up there. I still talk about going every year but every year life just gets in the way. I've never really been out on the rails full time, maybe a year straight at the longest but if it makes you feel any better, everything I didn't figure out first hand, I garnered from this thread and took every bit of it to heart so in a sense there is at least 1 of us out there that still respects the traditions you and the other old timers handed down. The modified ALICE pack was a godsend and there isn't much more than a few ashes to indicate anywhere I've ever camped. I would have to be in dire straits to hit a moving car but feel confident that I could. All you can do is try to educate the kids and hope some of it sticks. It worked on me. *e Still gotta try that pizza soup though. and fuck these plastic folgers cans.
  14. Who can I learn about how to smoke meth?
  15. Found this under the house when replacing the floor yesterday. 2 Dollars? That's insane!
  16. ^^No shit. I was hopping rear units in broad daylight, not giving a fuck in a midwest winter. You are indeed a king of kings.
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