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Everything posted by xen

  1. Not representative of their viking white power bullshit but I do dig that tune. 5 minute edit = post train off the rails and I don't like it.
  2. The new Pete Rock - Petestrumentals2 is cool music to listen to as you go to sleep. I like music period. Not saying there isn't garbage more than good but,I'll give anything a chance. This made the cut. I was going to let the viking white power shit slide but feel he need to comment. First of all. fuck outta here and second of all, Bound For Glory did it much better.
  3. xen


    Holy wall of brick text POZ but you are correct in every way. I now have 15 moths of sobriety. My relapses have been for a few days at a time so I haven't bottomed out like the 'for real' one so if those don't count (they do) it's 3 years The new excitement gives way to boredom and that, to me, is when the struggle comes in. After my last little 3 day bender, I decided to start building model train layouts. It has worked so far. Instead of a 12 pack, buy a box car, instead of a fifth, buy a locomotive. Everyone is different but find an alternative that fits you. It is worth it.
  4. 5 minute edit is a real thing and it sucks. KIR still doing it. Thanks for the update and please keep doing it.
  5. The album hits shelves on 9/11. Cheesy but no fan ever says slayer
  6. And Slayer drops a new single tomorrow. I've bought every slayer album on the day it came out since South of Heaven and would like to say I am hyped about Repentless but with only half the band and them giving in to the loudness wars, I am worried this will be their version of Metallica's St. Anger. Fingers crossed. I know they have brickwalled their shit since God Hates Us All but I am a hopeless optimist.
  7. Came up on a physical copy of The Living Human Curiosity Sideshow so I am going back through the Aesop Rock discography. (He says his new solo album is untitled as of late but is closer to finished than started)
  8. FIDLAR's Self Titled this week on repeat. Fuck It Dog Life's A Risk
  9. And it's not just here with the broken images. Seeing it across a few forums.
  10. https://twitter.com/nihilist_arbys
  11. @massgraff Nah. I don't care what race you are, it's just that song reminded me of 2 and I hope you are going for the one i find cooler. Music is universal man.
  12. I guess I do know, been slowly going through the Goner Records label originally from The Reatards.
  13. Somehow digging Box Elder - Alice and Friends lately https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7iCCiyTIUE
  14. @breakfast menu good shit to get me out the door this morning. Which reminds me to shake the dust off of Chicago City Limits
  15. My intro to punk, graffiti, and the fact that I wasn't alone on this planet. Word up eric spg who crewed me up.
  16. I've had fine foods market dedicated to me and can't argue. Today is Descendants - Milo Goes To College
  17. Grabbed that A$AP yesterday. Only been through it once but dug Canal St. straight off. I'll give it a real listen tomorrow.
  18. Can't help but smile at this and hope my life ends up the same.
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