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Flayed God X

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Everything posted by Flayed God X

  1. Make sure you send me flicks if you paint it, that would be cool!
  2. Mine varies depending on how long I'm in town for. Last run = Orange Juice, Fat Tire, 4 pack Rockstar reg & diet, Baby Carrots, some yogurt, pack of Gatorates, Bread, Sugar, Grapes, Tortillas, Coffee Creamer, Trash Bags-
  3. Yeah I'm down to exchange This, it might take like a week though just so you know. Can you do an Exo piece I don't really use that other name much anymore.
  4. Heres an OBAKE I got one for ABOVE coming up soon
  5. Weaksauce that niner is ill, props dood.
  6. Whoa this thread is sick! Im'a have to get down on a few of these.
  7. oh and that combination thing is not going to happen they will remain 2 seperate companys (although one) but work on bridging elements maybe even develop a seperate tool for that. So it is actually better
  8. go to cgtalk.com/ 3dbuzz.com/ cgarchitect.com( for you interior design peoples)/ there are many more but CGTALK is probably the best with forums for practically any software, tech help and so forth.
  9. Why don't you try working Art department (designing/building sets, props. . .) in the film buisness, if you can work hard and like creating stuff then this could be good for you. Pay is alright depending on your skill level and so forth but you learn how to build lots of cool shit.
  10. Ill have to agree with Big Pun being the illest deceased rapper
  11. You got that digital shit down pretty good but you need to work on your letters. Not bad though
  12. This dude i know has 2 spider monkeys
  13. Flayed God X


    My suggestion is to play with simples for a while actually simples should be done constantly no matter how good you are to take you back to the source of your letters. Get that shit down and everything will start to work on its own.
  14. Okay so my scanner is having problems and I have these rainbow lines but whatever you get the picture VALENT
  15. I'll have my VALENT up tommorow it would have been done but i got real busy today. Anyhow here is a preview, the final should be up soon.
  16. Can i get in on that Valent since your still waiting on wets? I can have something up by tommorow
  17. Forklift= mindvapors Wets you want to start another battle?
  18. Hot shit Revise, nice canvases. They for sale?
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