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Everything posted by hotsauceinthedickholewastaken

  1. I've got this set on the PVR. Looks like it should make for a good show.
  2. Best I could do for your birthday on short notice. Have a good one homie!
  3. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good one. Herp derp!
  4. I saw Alice in Chains, Deftones and Mastodon last year. Amazing show.
  5. I just got a back piece with your face on it. I heart you. No homo.
  6. I've wanted to stab myself cause my farts smelt so bad. Protein shakes can catch up to you.
  7. You talk to both people in your head with a cool accent.
  8. If he was fucking her in the ass on the monument I could see it. Other than that it seems unnecessary.
  9. This one is tough cause that face is horrible, but I would probably have two beers and get confused by that tit action in my face. Sober me says nah I wouldn't but reality is, I see tits I make moves.
  10. Get your dad a beating for father's dad. Or aids, but he probably has that already...what do you get for a guy who has everything. in your name.
  11. When you ride your unicorn through a fields of daisies I often wonder how you got to be so cool.
  12. You challenged Tom Clancy to a fist fight and he pissed himself. Then he wrote Rainbow Six. What a pussy.
  13. I'm not watching the video is the answer to your question: Out of work and having a nap for most of the afternoon.
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