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Everything posted by hotsauceinthedickholewastaken

  1. Re: possible murder thread This! I wouldn't worry about it too much though...if you get in close with your cellmate there is a good chance he'll start using lube instead of just dry fucking your mud trumpet.
  2. Re: this fool..To Catch a Predator host who traps sex perverts in TV stings 'caught cheati Why doesn't your mole have a seat over there. MOLE!!!!!
  3. Re: So I hung out w/"Banksy"... What the fuck u do.... I hung out with Ryan Dunn, Steve-O and Weeman before a jackass show tour once...Now Ryan Dunn is dead. I think it was something I said. AIDS!
  4. I was with my wife for 8 years and was 31 when we had our first. I would have been the worst dead beat dad if I had my kid any earlier than that.
  5. As a father of two girls under the age of two I can't imagine not being able to see my kids. You should go talk to a professional that can give you real advice. Do everything you can to be in that childs life even if your ex is a dirty cunt. It's your right. /end last serious thing I will ever say on this board. Or you can just take your kid and bury your ex in the backyard. Insert a wooden placeholder in the ground that reads RIP Whore...you fucked like a starfish.
  6. Congrats Bojangles. Weddings are wicked if you do them right. Good luck,
  7. aquire jar of dill pickles- sliced. bring the jar to McDonalds put the pickles on all of the light blubs. walk out of McDonalds... with a boner.
  8. Why r so serious superhero whores? smash both of them while holding a 9v battery to their tougues...just cause. Also smash someones whore mothers.
  9. Happy Birthday Buddy! Hopefully you got high on coke and pissed yourself.
  10. Word. Looks pretty funny. I'll check it out.
  11. Smash the Grace Jones wannabe motherfucker. As for those titties up there. If they could talk they would say "meaaah" Edit: Just saw the rest of Grace Jones in the Jap Poop Thread. Damn!! Abort Abort!
  12. You should have put your penis in the lowest hole on her head. Also to save face cause you're a gay. Get her to send some pics of her tits via text. Post them on here. If they are gross it will help justify your gay actions. you're gay.
  13. The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli. I got about fifty feet out and suddenly the great beast appeared before me. I tell you he was ten stories high if he was a foot. As if sensing my presence, he let out a great bellow. I said, "Easy, big fella!" And then, as I watched him struggling, I realized that something was obstructing its breathing. From where I was standing, I could see directly into the eye of the great fish. Mammal. Whatever....
  14. So recording the show was a waste?....wait...is there any girls with big tits on the show?
  15. and get some shoulder definition. Your arm looks upside down.
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