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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. Zebra. They provide these at work and I share that lending philosophy, regarding the cheap-eez.
  2. Sitting atop the playground slide, Yajaira, envisions certain victory in this approach.
  3. @misteraven, do you accept Money Orders?
  4. hmm, I'm looking forward to Diggity's book report.
  5. Finally got around to and just finished, The Catcher In The Rye. I almost didn't get through the first chapter because I hate the way Salinger wrote Holden's dialog but I guess it's dated and maybe I need to read more Salinger to see if it's the writing or the character. Overall, It was good. A very privileged, young rebellious intellectual, describing, "a day in the life."
  6. Last time I was there was in 1989. A couple German girls I met in, Hyannis Port, bought me a pint in, yup, you guessed it, that "TV Cheers" pub that you walk down the stairs into.
  7. haha, watching TV in your POV was very special in 1977.
  8. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-juhbM8kZmlk/WpJEsFSMlDI/AAAAAAACQy4/9lfwyOHh7RY3BxjQuCTOPkxUXhKSZeI4wCLcBGAs/s1600/General+picture+to+all+kits.jpg http://www.themodellingnews.com/2018/02/build-review-at-edge-of-universe.html "At the Edge of the Universe - Strange Company’s Adventures. Episode 1: The first meeting" from Masterbox. This looks like it might be good material.
  9. Michael Madsen - in a vehicle.
  10. Chris Hakius, forklift operator at the local plant, shows up at the company costume party as, Bad Hombre This is a conversion of Moebius Models plastic kit of The Riddler. The hands are scaled down and A+B epoxy sculpted the hair. Scratch built paper towel roll and Android mobile.
  11. OMB, was this at a show recently or is this your collection? Thanks for sharing the pics.
  12. Like you said, It's politics as usual. The Rohingya plight is real but yeah, our one-liner, headline news of it is politics as usual. Suu Kyi does not currently control the military (Tatmadaw). A member of her party was elected to look better to the west. To look like there is progress. However, there is a general misunderstanding of the Muslim population by the Buddhists in Burma by the Burmese. Maybe a historical action that still holds a bitter taste by them? I haven't read either books though.
  13. We still haven't seen this yet. Heard good reviews including yours.
  14. I saw this on a date with Mrs. KoSprue. Did you notice the Joan of Arc story parallels?
  15. "Not disappointed" But worth seeing though? or wait until it's at the local public library on DVD to see it?
  16. We're gonna check it out. Trailer looks like a pissed off Mom.
  17. Toys R Us has a hidden adult section.
  18. Web searching, manus island, Thanks, CALIgula.
  19. Well, that was a classic. Those two in the same movie. Speaking of 80's classics: Down By Law. I haven't watched this in about ten years but the '80 theme reminded me of this classic. [url= ][/url]
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