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John Birch

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Everything posted by John Birch

  1. some more observations and questions from the john birch society: 1. whoever said the universe is "perfect" and what is perfect? that seems like a value judgement. the universe just is. 2. how are humans (and male humans, on top of that for some strange reason) the top of the food chain and rulers of earth or whatever? looking from a strictly evoluntionary viewpoint, insects, esp cockroaches are at the top. Or perhaps even bateria are at the top. they were around long before we were, and will be long after... 3. that's true about how the bible was put together from a bunch of different sources over a few centuries, but so wasn't the Quran, generally speaking. Dawood may not accept that, but 1300 years of research has proven otherwise... 4. if islam is the true religion, then what is true islam? sunni, shiate? those motherfuckers seem to be killing each more than we can kill them ourselves... 5. why do religious types consider people who accept science as some sort of religious group that can be opposed and resisted? I am of scientific leaning, but doesn't mean I "believe" in science or evolution or geology or gene theory. Current theories may not be right, but their the best we have right now, and alot better than some "intelligent design" bullshit which basically comes across as a shortcut to thinking very hard or deeply. 6. lastly, what does the creation of the universe/the big bang theory etc have to do with religion? It seems like that falls more into the realm of cosmology and physics. Religion is essentially a social control mechanism so that certain elites can control others by imposing worldviews and moral laws, which are, essentially value judgements, which are all subjective...
  2. ohhhhhhhhhh shit, dawood is one of them "intelligent designer" dudes...
  3. i dont know the specifics but when a reporter or someone heard their stuff the frst time (before they made it big) he said theyd be as successful as a led zeppelin. (ie, wouldnt fly, theyd suck etc) Quoted post [/b] actually i think it was a reference to an incantation of the Yardbirds that jimmy was trying to keep alive. Soon after he applied the name to his new band...
  4. the shark story is not true... I recently went out to seattle to vist a college friend. I read "Hammer of the Gods" on the plane. It kinda hinted that it was bullshit, but to confirm my theory that it was bullshit, we went fishing in Elliot Bay, right off the Edgewater Inn, where the alleged incident took place. Turns out they don't have sharks in Puget Sound. Everyone almost laughed me off the boat when I mentioned it...
  5. that fuckin a bitch with a shark is bullshit... and I got the zep dvd, which is awesome, but the live shows kinda drag after a second listen...they kinda just noodle, but their albums rock!!! until they got turned into car commericals that is...
  6. "And John,, Islam is not a philosophy based on the whims of men, Its a revealed way of life. There is no way to answer a question like that. You said philosophy, but philosophy can't answer a question like that either. If philosophy can answer it then , i'd like to hear the proof, Otherwise , I don't swim in the murky waters." Islam is not a philosophy based on the whims of men? Wow, that really clears things up for me, now I'm gonna go order a steak pizza from dominoes. but f'real, there are no answers, only hypotheses, observations and theories that lead to new hypothesises, observations and theories. and btw, why is a certain way of life better than another? some niggas like OE , some niggas like Steel Reserve...we all die anyway. Me?, I prefer light beer, fat asians and the Red Sox...does that make me a sinner because it isn't addressed in the quran? and oh yeah, if your a muslim matyr who lives and dies in South America, do you get 40 llamas instead of 40 sheep when you die?
  7. Since Rita got downgraded to a Category 3, the liberal media machine has re-focused its attention to a lady in Bellevue, Washington State, who drove a car she was test-driving into a swimming pool. I guess that means you guys are safe...
  8. I flip between Zep and Black Sabbath all the time. Sabbath can be a lil too dark at times, while Zep's live shit just gets boring... but their both still the definitive soundtrack music for my life and my graf career... Right now I think I lean towards zep just because its more rock and rolling. Sabbath was good when I did dope and klonopins, lol...
  9. "How can a person answer that question?(no offense to the questioner) That has to be the worlds most arrogant and irrelevent question. I already said that God is the creator who has no begginning and no end, only the creation has a starting and end point, Not the creator. SOme of you may disagree and thats fine, but thats what dialogue is about , right? So, me just being honest , I personally won't tread down the path that question implies. What it implies is that there is something greater than God who created him and answering that question is like trying to fit the earth into a coffee cup." It's called philosophy...whose purpose is find the answer to that question. So your basically saying, following your logic, that philosophy and religion are irrelevant and arrogant, hence islam, being a religion, is likewise?
  10. bro, you totally dodged the question... who created god? and even more importantly, why?
  11. yeah I'm an asshole, but yeah I kinda like that kilo... golf clap!!!! personally i like that rain and rom, reminds me of catching black sabbath tags on my high school back in 80s...
  12. a nice respite from arguing with toys on the bean thread... anyway, my big question is...who invented god? and why? and why is it the "he" gender? btw, I was reading about islam on wikiepdia. it turns out mohhamed had a cat named muezza...
  13. Seattle back on pg 1 let's keep it alive, even if it means all you toys talkin shit to me, lol...
  14. I like this thread... it has led me to good places... bump
  15. I didn't mean to fuck with you about the jail shit and Nancy etc. I just find alot of people find God after they go through traumatic stuff or they find a void in their lives. I not attributing that to you, thats in your own heart, but I think its good to know one's motivations to what they say... I say this because I have been always interestted in Metaphysics etc, but from what you would call a more philosophical/scientific persepective. I attribute this to watching Johnny Carson late at night when i was very young and finding out Santa Claus didn't exist. Perhaps you can attribute a bias to that persepctive too, but I've always found that whether I discuss this subject with people from Islam, born-again Christian, old Catholic nuns, Morman missionaries riding my local bus to the projects, gay priests or nihilistic athetist punk rockers or drunk old Boston cops, I feel I'm always banging my head against the wall... But your right, I never addressed the title of this thread. but please, before I attempt to address it, please define what you mean by: The nature of (the) creator (of) (the) heavens and earth Specifically nature, creator, heavens, earth. If we're on the same playing field then maybe we can have a discussion... Now I gotta drink some PBR
  16. Too uneducated about religion? Bro, I was studying religion, metaphysics, cosmoslogy, anthropology, history etc. while you were still being a thug and getting chased around by Nancy. Just because you read about islam while in jail doesn't sudenly make you an expert in all these fields. You know there is more to human culture and human history than whats written in what we call the Koran or Bible. I respect that your interested in metaphysics; its a noble pursuit, but it seems a bit hypocritical that you denigrate others peoples contributions because they don't agree with your narrow world view. If you understood this, then Maybe then you could understand why most of the world looks down on adherants of the Abrahamic relgions... bro read more about science, history, culture, religion, art etc etc and see how they are all interconnected, and read all this stuff OBJECTIVELY and read it with the understanding that all knowledge is RELATIVE, colored by the person writing it and also by the person reading it. I thought this was a thread about the concept of BEING, not one to spout ones religious propaganda. To get back to the concepts of satan and Hell, did you watch the documentary on Discovery Channel the other night about the history of Satan? wikipedia has a good overview of both concepts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell
  17. libertarians kinda confuse me. I respect some of the market stuff, but i don'ty understand why tehy think women shouldn't work, but should stay home and raise and school children. Supposedly this is based on "natural law" but which natural law? Many human societies are matriarchial, and women did most of the work in some of those. And I just watched a documentary about ice Age europe, and it turns out women did most of the hunting... Libertarianism is just another code word for corporate based christian, white, male dominated right wingism... Real liberatrianism is essentially liberalism...
  18. the concept of hell and satan was invented by catholic monks based on nordic mythology. It was actually made famous by dante and later milton...
  19. if you just moved to seattle, consider your graf career dead...if you want tips, get em off 12oz. theres a home depot in sodo and on aurora in north seattle. if you wanna get drunk and scratch tag bar bathrooms, PM me...alot of my graf buddies live in denver, we can network, lol DO.......the Puyallup!!!
  20. I'm not being facetious, but if you can answer any of that without using religion or any islamic meta-vocabulary ( see Rorty's essay "Irony and Post-Modernism") then good for you. Ultimately a discussion of religion becomes a semantical argument that resorts to circular reasoning..." bro, you missed my challenge... btw my cat controls me. I don't think I have dominion over him... So that negates your whole argument eh? Go Boston!!!!
  21. 1. plate tectonics cause tsunamis 2. soil mechanics cause landslides 3. wind and water temprature cause hurricanes 4. agricultural-based societies build cities 5. languages evolve, constantly 6. monotheism was invented by man, as was the concept of god. hence my cat doesn't discuss god with me. Zoroastrianism and Greek philosophy were the earliest known philosophies that had monotheism as a basis. these two schools influenced nomadic tribes in the arabia desert as well as other trade-based cultures. One of the semetic tribes were the jews, who had a concept of one god (but their own), influened by zorastrianism. when they moved to the Medditeraian, they were influenced later by greek philosophy. Christainity is a jewish cult and islam was invented by another band of nomaic tribes in the arabia desert, who were influenced by christian/jewish monotheism and tribal folk paganry. 7. mohhamed wasn't zipped up to heaven from jersalem 8.humans have been around for over 140,00 years. why the late apperance by god then? and why only to the arabs when there's thousands of human cultures? 9. if god eixst, why does it only reveal itself to humans? theres millions of millions of species. Do dogs believe in god? Did dinosaurs? sharks have been around for millions of years. Hence they must beleive in god or else they would be wiped out for being non-beleivers? I'm not being facetious, but if you can answer any of that without using religion or any islamic meta-vocabulary ( see Rorty's essay "Irony and Post-Modernism") then good for you. Ultimately a discussion of religion because a semantical argument that resorts to circular reasoning... sorry for the spelling, I don't feel like going back and editing... remember the best way to Prove your argument is to try your damn-dest to disprove it.
  22. check the image source for this. you can find graffiti in the strangest places
  23. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, little toys who think they know anything about graf. classic
  24. Wow, I found the Seattle thread on page 4, and it hasn't seen a post in a week. I'll give it a bump so folks back east know that they still do graf up here. Late summer city report: Besides my never-ending campaign of bombing every bar in King County, I've been seeing alot of Bike, achue, 1+1=3, aerubs (not to be confused with that guy from NYC), bear claw or whatever, and some other heads who I think bomb wit Biker. I'm still seeing some Floe and alot of older Hick , though alot of it is getting buffed quickly. What else? Actually I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but truthfully I don't really look at graf unless it catches my eye (or its my own shit)... oh yeah, I was waiting for the bus on Olive St I think, on Capital Hill last month and I saw this gang of 20 yr old-something headbanger/wigger dudes who all stopped to tag the trash barrel I was standing near. They all looked at me after, but honestly I can't remember what any of the tags said, lol. I'd post flix, but I don't give internet fame for recent bombing.
  25. great to see some Boston heads on here... (all stolen from other threads) not to be a prick, but technically alot of the shit on here aint vertical tags/pieces, there just horizontals drawn down...
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