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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. dear smdubXL, you live in the desert! cG
  2. false. the person below me is a douche.
  3. false...but thatd be a good thing to see....i hate animal abuse. the person below me has a guilty pleasure and will tell us what it is.
  4. funny that the u.s. uses the english system and in england they use the metric system.
  5. listening to everything from Queen to Michael Jackson to Carly Simon to Neil Diamond to Lauryn Hill....thank God for youtube.
  6. lol...i know, but still....anything is possible....i remember one day Glick0 made every thread on the first page disappear for about an hour.
  7. I doubt any of the mods here will close the nonsense thread. Its by far one of the most popular threads on channel 0 (and all of the forum). But if someone is posting gore, porn, beastiality, babality, fatalities, or flawless victories (ba-dam-tish), those specific posts will definitely get deleted. i see both sides of the argument as far as the philly thread goes though. it was posted by dao to show that even though this guy is really old, hes still bombing and getting up...and dao's point was that he will be doing the same thing when he's that guys age. but the thread went extremely off topic when people stopped talking about the guys age then talked about his handstyles being wack which turned into a is philly graffiti dope or wack which then turned into a out-of-towners getting dissed in philly to a philly vs everyone else's graffit debate. at that point, the thread was so off topic and the arguments became so much of a "show your write" and "whatchyou write" and "that R is wack" thread that i can see why it got shut down. I was interested to see where the thread would go too, but it seemed like the shit talking about philly vs everyone else was just going to go in circles at that point.
  8. potatoe potatoe potatoe potatoe potatoe
  9. true. the person below me has been to africa
  10. false. the person below me thinks kit kats are better than butterfingers.
  11. dear ssn, Hi back! cG dear decy, part 1:15 to 1:35 of this video made me think of you: lol...jk. cG dear ssn again, actually the video posted above really did make me think of you...lol cG dear sey sey sey, so youre saying you want to come here when its winter time?...im game...we can grab some pho. cG
  12. false...i wish i could afford too though. the person below me is good at arm wrestling.
  13. true. the person below me makes fun of other races.
  14. smash the last two. trash prancer. double rainbow video made me lol.
  15. false. the person below me is always thirsty
  16. dear upcomming friday, seriously?!...105 degrees though!? cG dear upcomming saturday, wtf?!!?....110 fucking degrees??!? cG
  17. oh, it will get bumped soon. 35k, here i come.
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