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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. ^^schindlers list...such a good movie...saw it in the movie theaters with parent when it first came out..i think i was like 13 at the time.... seen it 2 other times since...last time was about 3 months ago.
  2. true...but i think it might be a bit too difficult. the person below me will bump the post your day in pies threads to the next page so i will have a fresh new page to start on when i post my day in pies.
  3. true...sort of..semi...half assed...on craigslist. the person below me wouldnt mind sarah palin as president.
  4. :haha: see...and this is one reason why women have it easier than men do!
  5. fuck yeah!....ninja gaiden. beat that game in a week and a half!
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear eon, are you saying that youre too cool to use fan tips???!...lol...jk cG
  7. false...i buy new ones and give away my clogged ones to people who would rather soak them in thinner. the person below me has tried ironlak.
  8. uploading pics to my photobucket so i can post in the day in pies thread.
  9. false....i started it and stuck with it for the first month and a half...but have fallen off this past week or so. the person below me has got a new pair of shoes.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear eon, ultra flat black > gloss black cG
  11. false....sounds like a good idea to me. the person below me likes extra meat on their sandwich /no dow
  12. ok...im done....if you want some funny essays, google "peter nguyen essays"
  13. LOL...this one is funny.....draw a "vegetable cell"
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