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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear girl from last night, seriously???? FUCK YOU!! KICK ROCKS BITCH! :mad: cG
  2. true...im staying in today :) the person below me watches the news every day.
  3. true....nothing else to do and the weather sucks. the person below me has gonna fishing using spears.
  4. i have friends that live close to folsom prison. i want to go to the gift shop and pick up some things....american me was taped there.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bfish, its ok. we can stop at the dollar store, and i can pick up air freshners! :) cG
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bfish, we will be ok....if for any reason it gets too bad driving up there, we can simply turn back around if we have to. no biggie. cali"saftey fist"gula
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear invest, sacramento is not that fun..take it from me. raised here. cG
  8. asshole jerkoff is my favorite new 12ozer. /no homo
  9. wow...nice fucking GPK collection!! i only have about 60 left total....about 20 of them are from 1985 (first season topps made them). and I have one box from 1987....just the box.
  10. i have one of those watches somewhere...i will try to find it.
  11. true...i hate driving in it...walking though it...and its gloomy. the person below me has swam in the ocean before.
  12. because with screen caps it was more difficult. say a girl would flash a titty and you would screen cap a good pic of it. then she would right away flash her vagina and youd try to screencap that, then youd lose the first pic and if you missed capturing the vagina, youd be out both pics. it happened a couple of times then i was like fuck it...im using my cell phone. also, with a screen cap, i have to go in and crop out the rest of the screen which was a big pain in the ass.
  13. i had a few more, but they didnt turn out good....hope you guys enjoyed. anyone have pics to contribute, please go right ahead.
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