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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. i used to watch sledgehammer as a kid...lol...i also watched moonlighting. anybody remember zap it water guns?? they shot out disappearing ink. heres the commercial..
  2. even though i had seen it before years ago, i caught the tail end of carbon copy. early denzel movie.
  3. false...havent really listened to any of the wutang members for a year or so now. the person below me currently has ink or paint on their fingers.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear girl, first i suggest a time and place for our date. then you suggest changing the place...i agree. then you are changing the time....i agree. now youre inviting your female friend to come along who will definitely cock block. fuck that...im calling you later today and canceling. cG
  5. really??...its on showtime...is it really worth dvr-ing?
  6. when was the changing your name option made available to you?
  7. both. there are two authors. the doctor adds factual medical tidbits, while the other author adds the humor....kinda like love lines with dr drew. they are very small books with a lot of interesting things to read about....like why someone poops or pees a certain color....and myths. they are made small to be put in the bathroom for people to read while they poop...and pee.
  8. false. the person below me thinks that the person above me has a weird signature.
  9. reminds me of this classic 80s movie..
  10. catchin tags on a piece of scratch paper.
  11. bought this last year... bought this today..
  12. smash the fat chick. not kidding. by the way muds, i got some more things for your package today.
  13. trying to stretch out my back. i need a massage really bad.
  14. nice...i bought my first pair of filas in 1996....black and white joints...went to a third world country rocking them at the mall, and people were breaking necks to peep my kicks.
  15. false...and i wouldnt if i had the chance...i officially joined the 30+ million uninsured americans a few months ago. the person below me likes looking at death pictures.
  16. damn...i remember one of my homies had this...before the sega genesis 16-bit came out. we used to play a ninja game on it! i wonder if he still has this system.
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear milk, are your feet free? lol..jk cG
  18. burning cds....i know....thats soooooo 2005.
  19. false...i havent rode on a bike in years...and even then, it had gears. oh shit...that rhymed!..i seriously didnt even mean too. the person below me rhymes without meaning too often as well.
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