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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. false...only on the chronic 2001...i just wanna fuuuuuuck you. the person below me listens to al green. *edit false...i havent cared for baseball since they went on strike. the person below me listens to al green.
  2. false...but i do think he looks like a camel. the person below me has been to an nba game.
  3. wow...this looks interesting. the witches was one of my favorite books when i was a kid.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear chops, you can have all my thin women rejects..lol. cG
  5. about to eat some tilapia cooked in my foreman grill...holla!
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spice_(drug) and its currently legal in the USA. (but not for long) i wonder what sponge bob and donald look like smoking spice.
  7. false...just going to the 2nd saturday art walk in my city and hit the bar this saturday. the person below me has tried aloe drink.
  8. hahaha...i seen that. he did his stand-up in a strip club in Texas. im not into fake boobs though :(
  9. false....2,096th post. the person below me is itchy and scratchy.
  10. false...even though im in the kitchen. the person below me has won a contest or prize recently.
  11. hell yeah...northern cali sunshine is awesome right now! im currently resting my back from an injury.
  12. sure...you could do that. but the tvbgone is a universal remote that turns tv's off anywhere. so you can walk into a bar and turn off the tv's or walk into a gym and turn off all the tv's. not the funniest prank ever, but fun none the less.
  13. false....ive actually worked out more the past 4 months than all 4 years of high school. the person below me thinks that chicken nuggets are better than burgers.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear chops, youre coming here in 2011? cG
  15. city of God is a good movie. i just recommended it to someone the other day.
  16. ^ i see what you did there. first there was the mexican with brad pit.. then the last samurai with tom cruise.. whats next....the last nigger on earth...starring tom hanks. <lastniggeronearth.jpg> post it up theo...i know you got it.
  17. haha cobra. some of the best lines came from that movie.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090859/quotes
  18. about to go brush my teeth. and floss if im up to it.
  19. it turns off the tv... http://www.tvbgone.com/cfe_tvbg_main.php
  20. false...havent had fast food in a few weeks now. the person below me lifts weights.
  21. dont they teach them about ironic in the periodic table of elements?
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear IOU, yeah...my exgirlfriend sent me some dark chocolate from 60 miles away, and paid over $5 just to ship it...fuck that!...next time im out there, im buying a couple pounds, and freezing them. cG dear sooki, i should buy us cupcakes on saturday, and save them till monday...but they will probably be gross by then :( cG
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