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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. false....ive never even tried the stuff yet. the person below me has semi retired from graffiti.
  2. ^^i saw that today on a show called most shocking moments caught on tape.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ms seyer, i see what you did there. cG
  4. absolutely nothing. im bored....anyone got any ideas?
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear girl i briefly dated for a bit back in 1999, holy shit you got fat as fuck. i would still fuck you though. only problem is that you still have a shitty personality. you suck. cG
  6. true. the person below me regrets who they lost their virginity to.
  7. waiting for 6am to call my homie and wake him up to hit up the farmers market.
  8. waiting for my ipod to charge so i have music to listen to at the gym.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bfish, lol cG
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear souls, its getting demolished...trust me. cG
  11. oh shit.....carrot dynamite!
  12. about to take a nap, and get ready to hit the gym afterwards.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ex girl from 2002, so now you dont want to see a movie because nothing good is playing... and you dont want to get drinks because there is nowhere good to get drinks... but you suggest getting a room at the Hilton?....AND youre paying for it??? ....and when i mentioned sex, you didn't say no?? i was not expecting any of this....i feel like its my birthday. cG
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear melinoe, im down to take you to the movies in 3 years from now. cool? cG
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