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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. nice..that site has info on working out without weights (aka using your own body weight).
  2. lol...harvey dent?...from batman?....you spelled gotham wrong. just got home from lifting...drinking protein shake, and had a small bowl of rice.
  3. ur right....i failed on not getting the flicks from the rest of the day...im new at the whole flicking my day in pies...i need to be consistant. as for zooming, i was trying to get all the girls in one flick because i had a hard time deciding which one i wanted to zoom in on..especially since none of them were fat.:) yeah man, and i hooked 3 of my friends with seats in the same row..all in all, 4 tickets at about $300 a pop = $1200 just to watch the Kings lose up close and personal :( 1. It was raining all day long, and the temperature had dropped low at night and it was cold, but i took my coat off during the game to yell shit at the players and refs...i threw it back on for the flicks on the court. 2. Yeah, its a starter jacket from back in the day...not 92, cause thats when the kings had the old logo, but its from '96...i wore it for a couple reasons...it has the Kings logo on it and it was too cold for me to rock a jersey or kings t-shirt, and its an old school jacket which shows some of the newer band wagon suckas at the arena that ive been a Kings fan for a looooong time....late 80's actually...plus old school starter jackets are whats up...i did see some old fans (people in their 60's and 70's) rockin some really old 1985 Sacramento Kings jackets though...with the old throwback logo.
  4. sitting here all ready, waiting for ladyfriend to call me up to meet her and her friend for sushi.
  5. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** i charged my camera last night, and printed out the list...im gonna see how many i can do by monday.
  6. ^^good to hear about your progress greatgatsby. angel...you put bbq rubs in your oats?
  7. yeah quinoa also has a lot of protein in it....i think more than any other grain....i eat it with chicken or salmon sometimes. my workout partner swears by oatmeal every morning, but i cant do it...not even the quaker oats flavored stuff. :(
  8. lol...i hope youre getting enough fiber.
  9. so thats why the ocean is sooooo salty.
  10. are you following the nutrition program they have too??
  11. yeah...the muscle confusion concept is what i was talking about. as soon as muscles start to adapt to one exercise, they switch it up. i want to start, and have dumbells at home, but no chin up bar. but i do have a gym membership, but cant work out with the videos in there.:o
  12. about to go shave and possibly kick it.
  13. i like the idea behind p90x....my workout partner (/nh) downloaded the entire program from torrents and we might start this after summer.
  14. yep...and whales ejaculate over 400 gallons of semen at a time.
  15. not six flags...sea world. not ate...grabbed pony tail by mouth and dragged her under water.
  16. those iron man and batman costumes are legit as fuck! damn.
  17. just gettin back into lifting heavy again after a back injury. but less reps each time and heavier weights. next week is going to be all about getting my 1rep max for each exercise. i will be cutting by midsummer i think.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ssn, yes i did, but i was too preoccupied with the Kings game i was at. did you see my day in pies?? cG
  19. im looking forward to iron man 2 and this...
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