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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. beer pong aftermath.. all the restaurant/bars open early in the morning and sell alcohol all day long...people start drinking in the morning and continue til the next day.. weird statues.. more..
  2. more crowds.. some house/frat parties down this alley.. (too many wiggas) random house party with pool and rock band in front yard.. more..
  3. chicana with a booty.. this singing group was doing their rendition of lady gaga's poker face...weird.. some guy rolling around on a weird bike with subwoofers attached to it bumping some hip hop...lol a giraffe bike... popo's out on bicycles.. more..
  4. sure enough, our late start gets us stuck in traffic for the next 45 minutes.. finally get to the event and park...place is pretty crowded with lots of people and lots of things going on (including the cooking of lots of good food) one time in band camp.. more crowds.. took this flick for the photohunt thread...someone taking a pic...then later noticed this asian girl in front of me had an ass.. bbq.. more..
  5. im sitting on his couch listening to the loud 2pac he has blasting from his laptop hooked up to the stereo speakers.. here is the flask he is bringing out to the festivities (i have no idea wtf "your fish sample" means...neither did he) i decide to kill some time looking at 12oz while i wait for this fool to hurry the fuck up.. his dog keeping me company while i wait... finally heading out the door at about 11:30am instead of our agreed upon 10am.. more..
  6. Ok..this is my day in pies from last Saturday. The local university has a big festival/celebration they've had for the past almost 100 years. It usually attracts all the undergrads, grad students, alumnis, locals, nonlocals, etc for a day of fun including parades, house parties, bbq's and lots and lots of drinking...so me and a couple friends decided to roll out...the plan was to get a head start, so I was supposed to be at my friend's house at 10am so we could head out...got there at 10:20am ready to go (so we could beat traffic and find parking)... i get there and homie just woke up even though i was ready to go.. here he is NOT ready with bed head.. the poker game from the night before.. even his dog just woke up and had eye boogers... still waiting while this fool cooks his breakfast.. this is your brain on drugs.. more..
  7. uploading pics to photobucket....slooooooow process.
  8. false...i just reply to the ones on the front page...if its not on the front page, and i need to find it, i use the search button. the person below me owns a telescope.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear sey sey, glad you enjoyed them! :) and i have a pink card too! cG dear christeezy, sorry to hear about your car :( cG dear FR, if chali2na dont come through, im down to spit a verse on your cd. cG
  10. trying to get my laptop working right again :(
  11. false....still not warm enough. the person below me is running errands today.
  12. so i had juno recorded on my dvr for over a year and never really got around to watching it because it kinda looked stupid. but i finally got around to watching it a couple nights ago, and i actually was impressed...not bad.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear sey sey sey, i hope you like them...theyre good for you and will fill you up if you have them with cream cheese milk and an egg. i get the bagel thins "everything" flavor...it comes topped with sesame seeds, poppy seeds and onions. oh, one more thing...these sell for about $3.50 at the store...but if you find an Entenmann's-Oroweat Bakery Outlet close to you, you can get eat package for about $1.30. the outlet i go to also sells the sandwich thins and this new flatbread thin for about $1.10...and they give a stamp card so that after you get your stamp card filled, you get 2 items for free...for example, last week i got about about $10 with of bread for $1.29. only down side to the outlet stores is that the bread will be 3 or 4 days away from the expiration date, but if you have a fridge, it doesnt matter because you can store the bread over a week in the fridge after the expiration date and it doesnt go bad at all. but i hope you like the bagel thins...i remember reading somewhere that 1 regular bagel is like eating 4 slices of bread, but the bagel thins are like having 1 slice of bread. tell me how you like them. cG dear showers at the gym, please bring back the pineapple scented dial soap. that soap smelled good. cG
  14. fuck man....i cant beat that...you win. propped. oh shit...i just gave you 2 tic tacs.
  15. i see your purple and raise you a sunny d.
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