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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. digesting the roast beef and tritip sandwiches i ate for lunch today.
  2. you should try it out and tell us if its worth it casek. worst case scenario, you jump back into weights. so pizzy, all in all, you saw better results with convict conditioning?
  3. false...thats on some south central l.a. shit. the person below me has seen the movie boyz n the hood more than 3 times.
  4. googling. bout to go eat a tuna sammich.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear 4th of july weekend, you were the best one in years! cG
  6. false...i take holidays off. the person below me can drink a whole gallon of milk in less than an hour.
  7. considering taking my car to the car wash.
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, i think thats a type of razor....the mache 3. cG p.s. thanks for the props.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear seyer, ive been good!...how have you been!? and as far as the exam...i could tell you, but if i told you, id have to kill you. cG dear SM, let us cali heads know when your coming back, so we can all go hang out. :) cG
  10. del...did you see ghana score? yeah the jalapenos were good....had spicy tuna and cream cheese in them, and they were tempura fried with spicy mayo dipping sauce...yum.
  11. ive been good....busy too...before yesterday and today i actually wasnt on the oontz for a good 5 or 6 days. just as long as you dont forget about us on here, then its all good lol.
  12. false...im behind in my reading for the class im in....oh well. the person below me has something fun planned for this weekend.
  13. TTT!!! how ya been?! long time no see! :)
  14. true...only twice though. :lol: the person below me would go watch bullfighting in a stadium.
  15. i just shitted out the spicey tuna stuffed jalapenos i ate at the sushi bar last night. my asshole is burning now. /no homo
  16. lol....no way. 2 reasons: 1. i dont want to get fatter as i get older. 2. i dont want a buff wifey.
  17. meh i stopped lifting weights for the time being. i think i need to focus more on cardio and light resistance weight training anyways. a friend of mine who used to be in really really good shape has let him self go..he gained about 80 pounds in the past 2 years (so, he says...i think he may have gained even more than that)...it all started when he got with his girlfriend (currently fiancee), so he hit me up about working out with me at the gym. he used to outrun me and outlift me...now he cant do shit...plus his lungs are all fucked up from smoking pack after pack...im gonna try to help him get back into shape. moral of the story is: when i finally do decide to get married, im buying a gym membership for me and my wife.
  18. yes, the decent was a good movie. couldnt get into chopper though...couldnt understand the accents half the time.
  19. haha....the episode on youtube where jiggaboo jones stole that car was taped in sac.
  20. false....my toenails grow outward. the person below me likes jamie kennedy.
  21. answering texts messages....about to drop something off in the mail box....oontz for a while, then go to my homies house.
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bfish, awwww i wish you woulda told me sooner...i was actually in old sac about a couple hours ago (trying to see if my free vip guest pass at laughs unlimited would work, because jamie kennedy is performing there tonight!...it didnt work) i am totally down for the paper machet hat though! :) really looking forward to attending. cG
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