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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. false....ive got a car. the person below me hates the fact that subway is always changing the $5 sandwiches ...one week the subway club is $5 the next week its not....one week tuna is $5, the next week its not.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear freak, looks like youre in a 'conundrum'......how many points would i get for that word?! cG
  3. good luck! its vegas! trouble happens! havent you seen the hangover?
  4. do they got you jumping rope and running drills? i wish i had the time and money to get into boxing.
  5. one day, if we meet, i will bbq for you and you can bake the dessert. :) im chillin!...how are things in your neck of the woods??
  6. yeah man....like i said, it will improve your flexibility. hows boxing going by the way?
  7. just ate dinner....picking my teeth with toothpick. hi sm!
  8. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: fucking hilarious! i love when people see opportunities like this to do some funny shit.
  9. honkylipss....how you been man? havent seen you on 12oz in a while. you still in Boston?
  10. LMAO! and here i was googling shit like "brown jacket blue jeans movie character"
  11. lol....howd you cheat?? did you look at properties and go to the website or something?
  12. a = alex from clockwork orange b = ??? c = chad feldheimer from burn after reading d = the dude! from big lebowski e = edward scissorhands f = forest gump g = gandalf the gray from lord of the rings h = harold from harold and maude i = indiana jones j = john mcclane from die hard k = ??? L = leeloo, the girl from the 5th element M = margot from the royal tenenbaums n = nacho libre o = olive from little miss sunshine p = paulie bleeker from juno q = q from james bond r = ron burgandy from anchorman s = sloth from goonies t = tony montana from scarface u = uncle rico from napoleon dynamite v = vince vega from pulp fiction w = wayne from waynes world x = xi from the gods must be crazy? y = yoda z = steve zissou from the life aquatic
  13. yeah....i propped watson for posting it....im sure someone will come through and get the last 2.
  14. i have no idea who b and k are. b looks like the mac guy from all the mac vs pc commercials. and k is wearing charlie brown's sweater. other than that...im all out of ideas.
  15. person, jam and pert....propped!
  16. a =guy from clockwork orange (name??) b = ??? c = chad feldheimer from burn after reading d = the dude! from big lebowski e = edward scissorhands f = forest gump g = gandalf the gray from lord of the rings h = harold from harold and maude i = indiana jones j = john mcclane from die hard k = ??? L = the girl from the 5th element (name?) M = the girl from the royal tenenbaums i think (name??) n = nacho libre o = olive from little miss sunshine p = guy from juno (name?) q = q from james bond r = ron burgandy from anchorman s = sloth from goonies t = tony montana from scarface u = the uncle from napoleon dynamite (name?) v = vince vega from pulp fiction w = wayne from waynes world x = the guy from the gods must be crazy?? (name?) y = yoda z = steve zissou from the life aquatic were missing a bunch of names though.
  17. yep...j does kinda look like bruce willis now that you mention it.
  18. is "k" from a black and white movie? what about O??....looks like that one should be easy.
  19. oh shit! how the fuck did i miss forrest gump?!? lol...fail. good job person!..coming through on some obscure movies ive never even seen!
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