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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. dear seyer, i keeps my game tight! cG dear milk, snowball action? eeeeeew. cG dear sm, i racked hoe money. cG dear souls, i feel your pain...im so over winter. walked out of the store tonight and was umad at the cold. cG dear ssn, where are you?! cG
  2. dear girl im dating, you lost your job. i still expect you to pay for your half of shit. no chivalry, cG
  3. dear earl, i feel your pain. the post office sucks. i sent a package to mudpuddles and one to medicine cabinet exactly 19 days ago, and they still havent received them. cG
  4. hahaha...bear grylls eating the predator ftw.
  5. dear nbb, i dont think you know this person. hes never even been on 12oz. cG
  6. dear rolf, yes!...ive been looking forward to new years for a couple of months now. me and the girl im dating made plans last month to go to this huge new years celebration thing this year with a balloon drop and champagne toast...and lots and lots of dancing to good music....we bought the tickets a few weeks back...can't wait!! cG dear homie & homie's girlfriend, thanks for inviting me to your family's place and letting me spend christmas eve with ya'll. the lumpia, pancit, fried chicken and macaroni salad were hella good....so was the biko dessert.....i love filipino food. cG
  7. 2:35pm...just waking up. damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
  8. dear holidays, thanks for being over with. cG
  9. a friend recommended three o'clock high to me about two years ago, because of how much i like 80s movies...finally got around to seeing it..
  10. ^ i used to watch that show for lenny and squiggy
  11. dear CALIgula, its 4:58am. go to sleep. stop torturing yourself. cG
  12. dear asthma, the kings choked. and speaking of choking...demarcus cousins is now benched. were the team with the worst record in the nba. cG
  13. dear inj, sorry about your loss man. i know how it feels...i lost my dog a couple years back. cG
  14. dear rolf, no...they dont weigh that much. very easy to lift! cG
  15. Re: Oh deer! It looks like my night just got a bit more interesting. (weak stomachs beware anyone remember this?
  16. Re: Oh deer! It looks like my night just got a bit more interesting. (weak stomachs beware dude. wtf?
  17. dear credit card bills, I hate you :mad: cG
  18. dear rolf, yes, it has to do with fucking. no, no midgets are involved. cG p.s. props issued. p.p.s. midgets are usually very thick though, and have lots of booty.
  19. dear 12oz, if things go as planned tonight, i can finally check something off of my bucket list!! cG
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