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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. about to sleep soon. been making travel plans all day.
  2. :lol::lol::lol: sounds like the "fight club" work out.
  3. dear symbols, venezuela has good and bad places like everywhere. ive been to caracas twice, once in 1996 and once in 2005...to visit my sister and her family. i remember once in 1996, we all went to a restaurant on the other side of town, and had to go through a few bad neighborhoods...my brother in law was driving and it was about 11pm on the way back and he kept slowing down and running red lights...i asked him why and he said that if you are at a light in certain neighborhoods with your arm out the window, people have been known to run up and cut your hand off to get your watch or ring. in 2005, we took the one hour plane flight north to la isla margarita (margarita island), and we took a taxi to the resort areas of the beach...after we were done, we took another taxi with a shady taxi driver this time to get back to where we were staying, and the guy dropped us all off in the ghetto by the bus station...everyone was really shady there and ALL of them were eyeing us...really looked like we were about to get robbed..luckily there were 4 cops patroling the area with rifles, and im a pretty intimidating looking person so nobody really messed with us...we just caught another taxi back to the hotel. of the 2 times i went there, these were the only two times i felt like it wasn't safe...other than that, its a great place to visit....the people are friendly, the food is good (tequenos are delicious), and the women are hot (not that you would care about that..lol).....also, if you love sushi its a good place to go...they literally have 3 sushi spots on every block!!...i don't know why, but venezuelans love sushi....oh yeah, the graffiti is pretty dope too..when i was there CMS was holding it down....and a writer called daos..that guy was up all city. cG
  4. dear ben, please list california escorts too...lol. jk cG
  5. dear symbols, awesome comic! cG dear IR, yup, venezuela too! i was visiting family there back in 2005 and it cost less than $2 to fill up the tank in my sister's car...thats including the tip (they dont pump their own gas..attendants do it). I filled up my gas tank yesterday for $37...and i had to pump my own gas. cG dear seyer, chillin! whats up with you? cG dear writer in my city, just saw on 5 different people's fb that you passed away. didn't know you too too well, but we kicked it a few times. you were a cool guy. RIP man. :( cG
  6. dear frankiefiver, still riding my dick? how does it feel to be the shittiest member of 12oz? cG
  7. false...im pretty chill all day. the person below me has gotten a new cell phone recently.
  8. dear chubbs, :lol: props. cG
  9. all dressed up and ready to go party for new years. waiting on my date to call me and tell me shes ready.
  10. about to take a nap so i can party all night for the new year.
  11. haha...i still think he posts, but just under a different name.
  12. dear 12oz, i hope ya'll had a good 2010! i hope ya'll have an even better 2011! cG
  13. just finished baking neiman-marcus cookies and cracker candy. about to rest, take a shit, then shave my face.
  14. finally saw the documentary bigge and tupac by nick broomfield.
  15. saw the documentary "its hard being loved by jerks" last night:
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