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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. I shot and developed these myself back in highschool.. 1997 this was a barn we used to have some shit set up in..
  2. yeah took me a second haha..
  3. i rocked a SC everslick with bridge bolts... anyone remember girl came out with those waxed wood boards.. I had a Sheffey with some little girl throwing up the middle finger...
  4. whats next you gonna head over to the skatepark and film dudes with no shirts on haha...
  5. its a company truck so I cant complain.. Free gas FTW!!
  6. woke up.. laid in bed for a while.. showered got dressed... got in my truck.. had to go here... to send money... got some food... fueled up... got my fix... headed up the lease road, you cant really tell but this is a steep motherfucker... got to the rig.. sat here for a bit.. now here..../beat up laptop oner..
  7. my first real board.. I traded my bmx for it..
  8. Celts the old creepy dude that hangs out at the local skateshop all day haha.
  9. I miss $13 30 packs of highlife. 10000 post time to retire
  10. True. Fuck wearing a watch. Person below me got a speeding ticket this month.
  11. Very true. Used to go to car dealerships with a garden hose. Person below me has never stolen something.
  12. Did beer prices go up again?
  13. Those sharks hats are nice. Wish they made some Dallas ones like that.
  14. Still waiting for an iPhone app for tiny chat.
  15. Real talk. Nigga drove himself tobthe hospital after being shot in the face.
  16. Banksy and obey are both gay. So is that sierra Nevada.
  17. He is now but I he was an am longer than you've prolly been alive ha.
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