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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. morning piss in the kids bathroom. knew i had court today just not what time... too many vehicles for this driveway... take my son to school.. traffic is always backed up.. slowly moving.. snipe hahah.. came back and oonzted for a bit... new jeans... bathroom beers... shower... drive to the court house.. arrive... waiting... left court feeling alright about the outcome.. stopped here to get my son a happy meal... my lunch... back to the school... porch monkey... more....
  2. that park looks sick except for this.. unless I cant see something, this looks damn near useless.
  3. just got back to my hotel from eating and drankin..
  4. Skated here with my son today.
  5. Sitting on a plane. Waiting for it to take off. SF Oner
  6. drinking a beer. bout to go get food. slowly getting shit together for SF tomorrow.
  7. going to SF tomorrow should be fun..
  8. laying on my bed.. drinking beers and smoking weed.. waiting to hear back about a flight to SF on Monday.
  9. Just set up a Rick Howard with 54mm ojs. Set my son up a new mini creature with 50mm black spitfires.
  10. hahaha.. that would be sick you should request that to the playboy channel
  11. Dear Weiner B#1 well. hurry up and hit total depth so I can go home. Brewster.
  12. Fuck yeah with honey mustard.. TPBM has never had a Dr. Pepper
  13. false.. cant remember it.. tpbm doesnt have a drivers license.
  14. just ate a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.
  15. I think I posted some of these before... mid 90s shit.. that rail was at a police station..
  16. at work, but im always at work.. bout to do some laundry.
  17. at work.. grilling some ribs and looking at pistols.
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