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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. false.. havent been in school since the late 90s. TPBM went to 2 or more high schools.
  2. watching Pawn Stars eating a bagel and drinking a Dr Pepper.
  3. true. work related and hard to explain. TPBM is working right now.
  4. fucked my leg up real bad a few weeks ago but still went and rolled around the DC plaza in Shreveport,LA tonight.
  5. true.. just bought it and set it up.. things are not cheap. TPBM is a jew
  6. false.. I wish. tpbm is somewhere that it is raining.
  7. up early to drive the 3.5 hours to work.. the sun was a bitch for 150 miles.. had this in my truck for a week and finally drank it... close... work.. well part f it.. caught up on a shit load of paperwork... didnt have time to stop and get food and this is all I found... kicked back for a bit... finally got a chance to go get food... <peopleofwalmart.jpg> when I went to pay they said my credit card was declined, which I thought was odd as its a corporate card with a limit I couldnt possibly go over, so I called and they said my walmart purchase seemed suspicious.. food... more food... I realized today I eat way too many snacks(not pictured). sat down and did my monthly expenses so my work can submit the payment.. shit is a pain in the ass but I guess its better than using my own money.. can never get enough of that 70s show. went outside briefly... now Im here...
  8. Still in cold ass New Mexico. Just popped a pill. Can't wait to leave this place.
  9. Driving to Albeqerque an just got a fucking speeding ticket.
  10. Knocking off other place on my Man v Food tour.
  11. True. I don't even know what that is. Tpbm is part sweedish.
  12. Out till 1:30 am. Up at 5am now working 12 hours. Well I say working but I'm watching step brothers.
  13. change of plans.. off to the titty bar.
  14. drinking a dr.pepper bout to take a shower and try to bench.
  15. False. Over weight Oner. Tpbm drives a truck.
  16. finally got around to ordering this..
  17. true, but only the ones with Chanel in them.. TPBM has a pair of rollerblades.
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