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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Now for some reason I've got two users with 0 posts hounding me via PM. One keeps asking what I write, and the other keeps asking where I'm from. Sorry no pics in this one, it's too cold to operate a camera outside.
  2. Speaking of published, these were printed in our area arts and entertainment magazine. It is a free mag which is distributed through town and campus, they do a run of 10,000 copies every two weeks and they are delivered everywhere. The pictures could have been better, if I had a useable flash for my camera. Right now I'm working with a $20.00 piece of crap that periodically causes a power surge and locks my camera software, so I'm really wary of using it much. Anyway, about 10 new years resolutions and pictures were printed, but these are a few of the funnier ones. Taken at random bars: Resolution: "I plan on being less optimistic." Resolution: "Stop making girls cry." Resolution: "To fuck everything that moves."* Resolution: "I vow to pick my nose more in public." I just realized these jpegs are too bright, I've been screwing around with some photoshop actions, so oh well. *This one was particularly funny because later in the night I had to explain to the guy that he should go get tested for STDs because his now-girlfriend had given me that clap two weeks before. They censored his in the printed edition.
  3. Digging the mix geist... on track 3, plan on listening to the whole thing. Thanks.
  4. some friends, badly setup studio photography style
  5. I'd just like to chime in that the Sony-F717 is an awesome camera. I owned a Sony F707 before the Sigma DSLR I currently have and it was fucking wonderful. Manual focusing is not as accurate as you might hope, but then AF almost never misses, somehow.
  6. Thanks phunk... and here's one more to top off the night: wonk saggin.
  7. I'm working for a local entertainment zine now, first assignment is to get trashed and get pictures of people / funny new years resolutions from them at the bars over the next week or so. I'll post 'em when they decide which ones they're using.
  8. thanks gnome... that dpreview site is great... i researched it and realized that it's definitely a good buy (the Sony DSC-W1)... so i bought it last night from newegg.com for $319. Quoted post [/b] Good, hope you enjoy it. I would have recommended the V1 but it has a very small lens and I was reading mixed reports on whether it was large enough to output non blurry shots at 5MP. The only other feature that was worthwhile was nightshot (IR) mode, but it didn't seem to be worth the poorer glass. The 640x480 video mode should be good for some pretty decent video too, based on my experience. Have fun!
  9. The second you ask about "phosphorous" (I'm assuming you meant red because white is pyrophoric) at the pharmacists you're going to be getting raped in the ass with the white hot pole of justice by the DEA Meth Lab chemical diversion squads. If you're ordering it off the internet, the same thing will happen to you.
  10. MisPantolones: Sigma charges more for their remote, don't know if generics will work. I'll have to check around the sigma forums, first on my list is a Electronic Flash EF 500 DG Super Herbivore: I'm partial to Sony cameras. This one is looking nice, 5MP and full manual exposure / focus if you want it. The lens is some pretty decent Carl-Zeiss glass. There is a nice kit on eBay @ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3859771968&rd=1 for $360.00 right now with 256MB of memory sticks. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/specs/Sony/sony_dscw1.asp
  11. Thanks. It's much easier when you've got the equivalent of a 12mm lens to work with. I'm tempted to buy the IR remote but I take so few pictures including myself that the cost wouldn't justify it.
  12. Not a bad idea. I took this for the thread because I don't normally go through the hassle of pointing an SLR at myself while trying to operate it.
  13. Didn't take any. Moved from disposable B&W cameras that came free with my cigarettes -> cheap Nikon point and shoot -> Sony F707 -> Sigma SD9
  14. I like that second one, although the U is close to reading as a W for me. Either way, I like it. Somebody is going to bitch at you for all the extensions but I think they're swell.
  15. Took these tonight for a friend's portfolio. I've taking the next set for http://www.burningangel.com as well. (not work friendly, unless you work in a nude punk girl friendly area).
  16. Could probably use a new thread though, or perhaps trick Raven to rigging up a battles section in the archives that someone can moderate.
  17. More with el cheapo fisheye, slapped on top of a 28-200mm F3.5 sigma zoom with 2 adapter rings. ImageQuality++
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