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Everything posted by Hoblow

  1. All of those "dummy-spits" are staaaaaaaaaaaged. Dude is a hype man.
  2. Dear catfaces new job Thank you. Thank you so very much, but please promise you will not be shit. I don't think I can listen to her complain about work anymore without shooting someone. Yours sincerely, Lowtoleranceforcomplainin'.
  3. Dear Pat Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed kickboxing camp From D. Dear coffee You are burnt or something. What the fuck? From Parklife.
  4. Water is key as well, gucci condom. You shoould be drinking at least 3 litres a day.
  5. Hoblow


    Fuck, I haven't had a cigar in ages. I'm getting one for the weekend.
  6. It's really easy. Fruit Fruit Meat Salad Fruit. That's the basic formula that will have you feeling good. Obviously, common sense is also involved. Fried meat is no good. Carbs for energy, but not too much. Avoid sugar and caffeine as much as you can.
  7. Re: The Catface is scared and having problem...seriously weigh in on this shit right Totally. Dude is an annoying white bread geek.
  8. Goddman, I can use those blueprints!
  9. Are you talking about seeing passengers in other cars with their feet on the dash? Why in the world would you give a shit what a passenger is doing with their feet in a strangers car?
  10. There are 2 types of people in this world. There's those that get the joke and then there's you. Just give up dude.
  11. That shit was hilarious. Just people waves!
  12. Dear xjonathonx You sound emo. Careful, we don't put too much stock in feelings round these parts. Yours, P-Money.
  13. Dear catface I understand hating customers, but are you not interested in customers coming back? Even if just for the job security? Yours, P life.
  14. Dear World Don't ask me for shit. Yours, OverworkedandUnderpaid. Dear J.K. Rowling Bravo. Yours, A.Fan.
  15. Left ear, I hear better out of that one.
  16. Dear catface Be carefuls plz. Love, Parklife.
  17. Dear Sneak It's all good, I'm not dying any quicker than you are. I just push myself too hard sometimes. Yours in health, Parklife
  18. Dear hospital Why are you so goddamn boring and why do you make me pee in a cardboard funnel thing? I appreciate what you do for me, but why couldn't you have given me a spot with a TV? Yours till next time, Parklife Dear girlfriend You know I love you and shit, but there is no need to wrap me in cotton wool! I'm not going to pass out again every time you turn your back. I'm sorry I gave you a fright, but stop suffocating me. Yours forever and shit, Parklife
  19. Dear Apple Please be more filling. I'm trying to do the right thing by snacking on you, but you just leave me hungry. Potato chips don't leave me hungry. Don't make me go back to them. Thanks, Consumer.
  20. Dear edogg and ICB Thanks for the kudos Love, Parklife
  21. Dear Dairy Still hiding in the attic. I fear the germans will find us soon.... Anne.
  22. Of course not. A screwdriver is vodka and OJ. What you're doing is mixing vodka and soft drink. It's like asking if it's still a screwdriver if you put coke in instead of OJ, but I like how you made a couple of random posts about how good it tasted and how you're going down to the lake from your awesome house. Everybody is looking at you now. Happy?
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