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Everything posted by shape1369

  1. Thank you Milton for saying what I couldn't express in my frustration.
  2. angelofdeath- this is rediculous. You want to remove america from most of its trade agreemants? You want to economically isolate us at this point in the world? I can't even respond to you now, because you are far removed from the realities of contemporary economic and political theory. You also keep avoiding answering any questions I may ask. You sidestep the point through rediculous suggestions that could never happen. whatever...
  3. shape1369


    Looks good Elwood.
  4. Have you ever been in south texas? I am just curious? Have you lived in an area where these issues are of major concern? And your assumptions about welfare are rediculous. Just like always you jump on the concept of people sitting on their ass just to recieve welfare. Fuck you and the horse you road in on. My mother and I were on food stamps for several years out of my life. Not because my mom was some stupid fat bitch lazying about her apartment while I ran around aimless in the streets. But because she was a single mother working to get her masters degree while raising me and trying to provide the best education and living condition possible. Do you support programs like WIC? Let's also consider something you said in your last post "hell we protect the border of north and south korea 10 times better than our own. why in the hell would the administration talk about terrorists and them coming to get us, andleave the borders wide open? i know know, the latino vote" Have you ever done research into voting demographics and how public policy effects voter turnout? Living in a household with a political science PhD whom does study this, in a place where it is relevant (Houston), I think I have a little more exposure to these concepts. Go to Laredo and Nuevo Laredo... The only difference between an illegal immigrant and a naturalized citizen is a rediculously stupid test and a sheet of paper... That is it. Beyond any of that, have you ever heard of NAFTA? One of Bush's platform propositions was working with Vicente Fox to open up the boarders for trade between US, Mexico and Canada. They are still turning highway 59 into I-69 which will run from Canada all the way through Mexico. The only thing that caused a slight halt in this was 9-11. As the trade deficit becomes larger and larger america needs to look for more places to export our goods to. We need to create new markets, Mexico is a huge possibility for that. Thus the reason we must, at a federal level keep rather open lines of communication, politically and physically. There is so much more that plays into things like this than I think you give creedance to. Politics isn't simple minded banter about the ideological foundations of our country...
  5. maybe it's just me, but I'd like to see this thread stick to quality photographs, not kitchy things like that...
  6. shape1369


    I hate you raven...
  7. the minute men are not acting as a seat belt. they are harrassing actual citizens and at times have attacked them as well... My stepdad is mexican by birth, and a naturalized citizen. I can assure that if he went down there he would get some shit...
  8. The one's whom I want to read them, do. edit to appease Flavicon's sense of grammatical formalism in an informal response...
  9. I think several things should be mentioned or put to rest in this thread. First, they are and have been trying to shut the border along mexico and the US forever... Recently there has been a large increase in the amount of regulatory activity along the border by a group of citizens and "american militia" known as the minute men (naturally). These people are regularly patrolling the boarder with guns and shit of all sort. Also, the concept of stopping illegal imigration is counterintuitive to low wage economy of the south. Texas specifically, is economically fused to the continual stream of ready workers coming over the boarder. Thus, we end up with a perfect example of the beginning of marx's fetishism of commodities. As labor is the sole "commodity" that an illegal immigrant can present to our current economy, a value must then be assigned to that commodity. Rather than the expressions Marx gives to assign value to a commodity, I will try to elucidate the way it seems to work for this specific example of labor we speak of. Because they have no status as a citizen, the options as far as wage and occupational variety for an illegal immigrant are quiet limited. So it becomes a natural progression to try and get lower wage, labor based work. Here is where the intrinsic value of their labor is assigned. It ends up being the business owner who decides to buy their labor that determines the value of that labor. Assumedly it is the goal of a business, and its owner acting in its capacity, to maximize profits while minimizing overhead costs. Thus it becomes the only effective option to buy labor at its lowest cost. Because an illegal immigrant is more apt to accept a lower wage than a regular citizen, whom can move more freely within american society, and because of their legal status, they will accept any wage paid to them by the business owner. This then causes a drop in the wage a competing actual citizen would have to accept for the same job as an illegal imigrant. Thus the working minimum wage of Texas remains at the federal minimum of 5.15 an hour. Believe me, I know, I worked for it. Beyond this, 5.15 is the minimum wage assured to citizens of this country, think how much is then paid to those whom that security is not promised. This ends up as a duel edged sword. While from a business perspective it's awesome, it is the classic reasoning of how immigrants are "taking american jobs." Either way, this is only a purely economic reason from the business perspective, as to why the country is now tied to this "economy of illegal labor." Beyond this there are other factors that affect our inability to break away from illegal imigration as a source of labor. There are also examples of how social factors affect this. It has become a self perpetuating cycle at this point. Because there is an association of people that come to america illegally as being lower or less deserving of life in america than anyone here, what they do becomes associated with such. Thus the jobs that are occupied by them are viewed as too servile to be done by a self respecting american, especially when those jobs don't present much economic sustainability vs a job less attainable by an illegal immigrant. At this point the jobs occupied and associated with illegal immigrants becomes soley for them. Thus we find that we can not even think of cutting off the southern border, let alone trying to deport those that have already come here. I think that there needs to be a very large reexamination of what it is to be a citizen in this country and how we attain that status. but this is not the thread for that diatribe.... yet
  10. I have been listenin to donuts all day... unfortunate RIP
  11. I dont think its so much an acknowledgement of being cool, but that this really is a sort of community, and the fact that a some of us have been here for a while, and others even longer is just evident of that concept. The recognition of such is what this thread seems to have ended up being. To me at least.
  12. I remember somehow finding this site through artcrimes if I'm not mistaken. I have to say, I think the crossection of ages that are on the board is pretty awesome. Especially in that even if someone is young on here, as long as they don't act a fool they are respected just as anyone else would be. I suppose it's all due to the anonymity of our interactions. Trying to talk to people about 12oz has always been a funny experience for me. I have been in many situations where I was trying to reference a conversation being had on here in real life, and all I would get are blank stairs. I would then have to explain what 12oz is, rabble rabble rabble...
  13. I think I have cut myself twice in the amount of time I have been shaving... Electric razors are cool once your skin adapts to them, but I'm sure as hell not gonna take the time for that. I'm quick enough with a razor, I think I'll stick with that. So who saw the commercial for the new razor with the single blade on the backside for more intricate shaving? I got to thinking about what happens when one is using this razor to work on their sideburns to get em straight or something, using the singular blade side. Then, next thing you know you've cut off your ear lobe because some marketing idiot didn't realize that by creating a double sided razor people will kill themselves...
  14. same here. I think I found this place at least two or three years before I became a member. I remember the old forum set up. lets see... I'm 19 now... so either 13 or 12 when I started readin this shit. I think the people that I remember most from back in the day are Smart, S@T@N, Zesto, Mams, PMB, tease, King of Hell, !@#$%... hmmm noticing a trend... I guess I remember a lot of the new mods when they werent such.
  15. <!--QuoteBegin-Al Green@Feb 6 2006, 07:01 PM i hate fantastic planet.. watch wizards. necron 99. Quoted post word the fuck up to wizards... my dad showed me that shit when I was young and it always stuck with me. I found the dvd recently, but it was lost along with my entire dvd collection in a move...
  16. looks pretty hot without the quality pic...
  17. Eventually you can screen print trucker hats and sell them for 300 dollars online after Pharell wears the same type of hat once...
  18. Winter in Texas is a variable thing. All depends where you are. Panhandle and North Texas consist of desert and plains so it most definitely gets cold there. Houston and further south are a little wet but warm during winter. I know while I was home during last month I was wearing shorts and a tshirt for many days. But now I'm back in the Northeast(fuck snow). It's been unseasonably warm here though. However, it is snowing right now... I sorta wanna sleep righ...zzzzz
  19. Being at school completely destroys and normal structure of sleep for me. Outside of classes, time means very little on this campus, so it becomes easy to adjust one's schedule to their whims. Sometimes I'll sleep in two hour sections for a week, and then other weeks I might sleep for almost twelve hours out of a day...
  20. good times... I think I will send the link of this thread to him today. I thought about stealing this stuff from the school when we were there, but I didn't wanna steal it from Talbot. I figured if there was anyone at that place not deserving to get fcuked over, it was him.
  21. I'm pretty sure that's indicative of the water level more so than the actual shape of her ass.
  22. this shit is what got me right here... he said fraggle rock... hahaa...
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