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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. plus any critisizm you guys can help me out with, constructive of course...
  2. i have read the manual a little, reading the manual on my slr minolta helped a lot, and i run both cameras in full manual mode, whic i think is the best way to learn, but im just workin at its -rage- you shoot anyting besides poloroid? gnometoys, nice camera,,,,,,, and i like the second flick
  3. filter with the hottest fills...
  4. yeah i remember hearing about people doing that randomly at clubs or attaching needles to the pump handles at gas stations. that shit always scared the hell out of me too. Quoted post [/b] im so on the serious level here man, that shit scares the piss outta me, we was painting a bridge on saturday, and im not afraid of needles when iget a shot, or if i had to give on, but damn, randome people with needles scare the piss outta me...
  5. <----still learning,,,but having fun
  6. shouldnt this be moved to untitled? i was just thinkin that maybe it should...
  7. i was wondering about what was goin on with ol fanny...
  8. yeah, you stole that from my pics....asshole.... BUT MY LIPS HURT REAL BAD....
  9. oh, of course, but right when you said it its what i was listening to
  10. daylight? that what you talkin about fantom?
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