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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. not really sure what happend, hit his life peak i guess, 3 years is how long they are supposed to live, so i understood that, it was just so painful watchin him die knowing that there was nothing i could do to help him, i mean, he was like my best friend, he was amazing, he knew his name and followed me, and he even knew how to use the toilet, he was a genius, i miss him,,,
  2. ive had a horrible day, my pet rat of 3 years died today, im pretty tore up, im not gonna be posting much tonight...
  3. i have also been wanting to try slide film lately, but just cant bring myself to put a roll in the camra....
  4. whats up kids.....i might have just gotten some laid...
  5. why write? you mind if i throw down a sketch or two...or 17....p[
  6. since when is is so hard to get a girl to deliver pizza naked?
  7. deto, check the owls thread to see my newest pieces, if you like them or not..
  8. i love the "confidential" part of that....great iquit
  9. thats pretty tots iquit,,,,and at only 99 cents, i could get those and throw them at homeless people...
  10. you love this dont you? twice ive seen you post it..
  11. hahhahah sherm, you and pasta,,,,,,how you describe pasta makes me feel as though i could eat it for the rest of time, open to the world, pasta in my hand, i could do anything..
  12. man, fuck some homework, i gotta finish this shit...
  13. man, fuck some homework, i gotta finish this shit...
  14. aight owls, im off to work, have a tremendous day....
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