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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. im not gonna expect amazing prints or antying like that, dont get me wrong, i just thought it would be fun to mess around with, ya know, thats really it... Quoted post well best of luck, i just don't want you getting your hopes up. It is a pretty fly looking camera. Quoted post [/b] thats the beauty of it, i wont expect great anyting, i could just have fun with it ya know? i mean, its worth some fun i thnk...but i prolly wont get it...
  2. i like the over all look, but the letters need some work in my opinion, which, might just be me..
  3. congrats! Quoted post [/b] yes, fourple congrats....
  4. apoc, im feeling the new jawns, new style kinda? lookin hot...
  5. im not gonna expect amazing prints or antying like that, dont get me wrong, i just thought it would be fun to mess around with, ya know, thats really it...
  6. with smarts like that i wonder if kindergardners have finals....
  7. digi blurr is awesome, what exactly is the poloroid pass around...
  8. the 110 polaroid is an old ass camera..i dont think they make film for it anymore...but i heard you can modify it to take pack film. i would just go to any thrift store and pick up any 600 film camera that works. autofocus ones are especially good for beginning. Quoted post [/b] not 110 poloroid,,,110 film, a camera like this with film like this
  9. rage, lookin to get into poloraid, looks fun to play around with, any suggestions for starting out? or a good starter camera anyone ever fuck around with 110 film? my pharamcist was tellin me about he has 110 slr, which i think i might get and fuck around with as well he also made me want to smash my new camera when he brought me his eos 10d to fuck around with, that shit was so nice....
  10. you suck earmuffs, you get to do nothing....
  11. imma go watch power rangers or something...
  12. yeah, that ts stuff is nice in its own way, but still nice, and the zealot shit is hot...
  13. nice shit estrogen...nice nice shit..
  14. hahahhaa, sucks to be you, it gets dark at ....6 HERE
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