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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. rich frat kids will buy anything, especially if its "unique", which mass produced beer pong balls will be
  2. http://tierneylab.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/12/07/the-google-moon-race-is-on/ saw this on the news today for the first time
  3. It was all over the news yesterday
  4. the yard is locked down! most of these threads are all bout the same 3 things
  5. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff things that are cooler than what i do thread i believe is for this type of stuff, cool none the less
  6. 80 hours a week son, 16 hours, 5 days a week, lucky if i get some on my off days too, mad bank! who wants some
  7. i have like 150 movies, and i dont really wanna watch a single one, but everything on tv is mad gay infomercials
  8. ive been playing sega dreamcast all night, it sucks
  9. go out and buy you a hand job from a prosty, thats a gift that pays for itself
  10. take pictures of like your sketch books, then your blank pieces of paper, and milk crates, take pictures of everything you have more than 3 of, including cans of beans
  11. all you kiddies, post your montanaz your momz and dadz gavez you for xmasezzz
  12. i would be super pissed too, at some point, enough is enough
  13. burn borat was ok, but the pamela anderson plot made it stupid ali g isnt that funny of a character, though the person playing said character is very funny
  14. night owls knight bats thems the sleeps threads
  15. i just watched bob ross paint, came back, and its like tripled in gay in here
  16. and the 45 threads asking about caps like this "i g0t sum Capz, wut u tink i shuld sprAy"
  17. its like he came in a church and crapped in the holy water then tried to play it off by making fun of the priest, win win
  18. yeah, your props are converse to your homo-ness, red=mad homo, the rest of us, no homo
  19. in the spirit of the day, "the cats out of the wood chipper"
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