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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. i really like that first one heavylox...
  2. edit: realitymax, what city are those pictures from? looks familiar. Quoted post [/b] atlanta
  3. you mother fucker! haha, we need to go shoot sometime soon, ive got some ideas, we can pool some, especially hod shit, that would be dope, next weekend?
  4. thank god you arent posting in it anymore, photos that is....
  5. im saving for a 20d, or the lower 350d, and then upgrade to the 20d or 1d, but i also am lookin for a nikon, dont know yet, hope you like it, i used a 10d, shit was nice....'
  6. good to see my thread is alive and kicking...
  7. yeah, this is waht i have, i love it. I want an slr for the simple reason i want to change the lenses and things of that nature, its like ive pushed my camera to the limits, and basically i did what i wanted, which was get into the digital realm, and play with photography to see if i really liked it before i spent large bucks. plus -small and compact, portable -great pictures -reasonable price -12/13 shooting modes -ergonomic cons -lenses arent really changable, you can get more, but eh, its really not worth it -plastic body, ive snapped something on mine -screen is small, cant manual focus and shit very well Quoted post i got to play with one of these this weekend, i agree, its ergonimics are quite the odd, but it was still fun none the less, if i had more time to play with, i would probably enjoy it more good luck with what you get im lookin at a digital rebel to introdue me to the digital slr world, then the 20d, and ive heard good things about the nikon slrs, i might try one of those...
  8. Good question. The first time I did a Polaroid Name, I was near an exposed light bulb with a pull string. I realized I could use a quick flash of it while writing a letter and have myself exposed. I thought it would be cool to use that technique for the last letter. I think of it as a sort of signature. It's an Angry Alan original becuase i'm in it. *note: For the most recent two Polaroid Names I've used a small handheld flash instead of the pull sting bulb, which broke. http://www.angryalan.com/PolaroidNames.htm Quoted post [/b] yeah, i figured it was something like that...
  9. rage, why is the last letter always super brite out?
  10. who shoots with a dslr? im thinkin about the canon eos 20d ups? Downs? What suggestions you guys have?
  11. as you can tell im a nightshot guy, but im tryin to take day shots, just always busy during the day...
  12. zdamn, those legs and body and ass are gross....id hit it..haha
  13. fso you are unAffected by spelling and onesecondherbs huh...haha, nice..
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