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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. man, fuck some homework, i gotta finish this shit...
  2. man, fuck some homework, i gotta finish this shit...
  3. aight owls, im off to work, have a tremendous day....
  4. oh, dont get me wrong, those flicks re just in my railfan folder in my computer, not in my photography section, which are different, if that makes sense,,,,
  5. toys post here? and the characters are hott though...
  6. perhap, you willing to sell that one, or you gonna be buttholeish again and say no?
  7. man, i post to much, im addicted to 12oz, what should i do?
  8. not for that, you pervert, for gettin under the sink to clean shit and stuff, just like an old fashioned sweat shop where they hired kids to do it all because their small hands could fit everywhere..
  9. im feeling that freight angle, kinda like this one well, not really, but i have one kinda like it i cant find...this one is a tad old, bout 3 months.
  10. Quoted post [/b] thats from that fat girls "who id like to meet" secton on myspace....
  11. yeah, im shooting at least once a day, something, im liking night shots most right now, i feel as though the light is easier tuned and altered with shutter and apperature and you can see the difference much easier at night, and if i shoot in the day, im shooting black and white kinda because i think its easier for me too, but i still feel as though i am learning..
  12. blenders are hand tools dun, come on,,,,and nekro, do you got get duck like in a christmas story and they cut the head of like pimps?
  13. damn, man, im so bored,,,,,whtas up owls....what you heads doing tonight?
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