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El Jefe Uno

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Everything posted by El Jefe Uno

  1. El Jefe Uno


    Getting up sucked. I got mad that i downloaded that shit so I KNOW niggas that bought it are mad. you should look at games made with the quake 3 engine. RTCW, etc they should run good on your setup. Quoted post [/b] thats one game i never actually looked in to for one reason or another.. i might have to go about doing that havent played a FPS since CoD i think.. i also gotta get a combat flight sim, haha i saw a show about dogfighting and had to dig out the old joystick (no homo) but the only game i have is an old ass one
  2. El Jefe Uno


    i downloaded Getting Up to see if it was any good, but it wont run on my damn computer.. fuckin graphics card... i played AOE 3, which got old kinda quick.. ive also been playing Mafia, a game from 2000 i think, but its a good game.. whatre some decent games thatll run on 2.8ghz, 512 RAM, and a shitty video card?
  3. El Jefe Uno


    the only reason i got killzone was because it was dirt cheap (used and old) and becuase the name of the title was just so badass. I still love this game. anyone remember the demo discs the original playstations came with. it had like cool boarders, some game with a gecko, bloody roar, and some other shit. THAT WAS CLASSIC Quoted post [/b] definately.. i cant remember the Gecco game.. Gex maybe? i remember the level on the demo disc was inside a haunted mansion.. and Pa Rappa was obviously sick kick punch, its all in the mind if you wanna test me, im sure youll find the things i teacha, theyre sure to beat cha never the less youll get a lesson from teacha ... i think im close... fuck im tired... LOL, K!! :huh2:
  4. El Jefe Uno


    always stock up on that, got a 6 pack of dinty's from costco just waitin in the cabinet
  5. friday - download some porn saturday - watch said porn sunday - beat off on the sabbath
  6. work, buy beer, save the rest
  7. best of luck to you and your mother, hope everything goes smoothly
  8. wines a funny drunk.. not to mention a box of it can be right around $8 and still taste half decent... its a bargain
  9. internet forums are for losers anyways ah fuck
  10. ^^theyre passing laws (i cant remember what states, im fuckin tired) banning pitbulls.. if theres reports that someone has a pitbull, it can be taken from them and killed.. fuckin horrible edit: i believe this is goin on in Toronto and maybe other parts of Canada as well.. anyone clarify?
  11. as long as it doesnt hurt your good.. fuck it, im no dentist
  12. good shit, as always amigos havent posted anything in a while, and im too lazy to resize my recent pictures.. but heres one from the other night
  13. as for the assignments or whatever, i'm on http://www.dpchallenge.com/ .. some damn good stuff on there, so i doubt ill ever win, but it does make you think of different shots that arent so cliche.. if we got enough people interested i'll set up a thread with a subject for the week (alright, so i'll probably rip it off of another site).. and we can have people vote each week.. so uh, let me know if you think this is a good idea.. and just for good measure..
  14. hiphopapotamus - good fuckin stuff man.. you usin any filters? im really feeling that first shot, as well as many of hte others
  15. knim - those closeups are fuckin bad ass erizeno and coffee - good flicks both of ya heres some from yesterday... eventful outing actually.. i've noticed an increase in homeless remnants lately, and today i found what could be classified as a hobo hotel.. so many matresses, sleeping bags, coolers, bikes, etc.. there was a hobo there when i found it, i find most of them are either interesting or crazy as hell alittle bit later walking along the tracks i stopped on a train bridge to get some pictures..then some old guy runs up the side of the tracks, all out of breath and shit, and said "why the hell have you been taking pictures of my house?" .. i proceeded to tell him what i was actually doing, and after he grumbled on like a douche bag for a bit all was good... also saw a few freights go by, noticed some Risk 9 and SANE.. good day some long exposures.. train going past the old station can't really see much in this picture, but theres a lotta stuff there another hobo gathering point
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