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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. For those who didnt see the rest.. An 18 year old with pigtails=score Shes from laguna someone has money also. She'll probably end up being in maxim soon they find out about these girls pretty quick usually..
  2. this is getting tired, turn them on. They are OFF you fucking idiot
  3. Your pms are off still so.... Get health insurance now..you will need it in the near future..
  4. Ok, so your pms are off again. Can you turn them back on so I dont have to put your info on here .. thanks
  5. hey trip turn on your pms
  6. Turn your pms on also, i think 1.your 17 yrs old, maybe 2. you underestimate other peoples intelligence 3. your name begins with an R Please pm me so we can discuss further
  7. Far south side yards been there done that..
  8. I thank god everyday, that im not like any of these people..
  9. Man I got fucking scortched when I was in oahu. Couldn't sleep for 3 days it hurt so bad. There some stuff called insurance, that's really supposed to help your sunburn.And I would agree with the renting a car thing. I had my boys car for 9 days,I'd just drive around all day while he was working. You get to see a lot more.
  10. Re: De La Hoya VS Mayweather I'll be taking mayweather.. De La hoya's on his way out, in my opinion. And the offshore book that i use currently has Mayweather at -225 and De La Hoya +175 For all you smart guys thats if you bet 100 on mayweather and lose, you lose 225..vv
  11. Work-drink work,work,work------- next trip is probably galapagos, and I smacked some rights,and lefts at witches rock a couple months ago. Ollies was too small.brother lives in coco....
  12. Re: Drunk cookout photothread looks like we didnt miss much
  13. Doubt that-wasnt this ship headed to mexico? And I think it would probably take a lot longer than 2 weeks to get it through mexico, and into your guys hands, maybe not..
  14. Traveling from the USA to Indonesia,you will cross over the International Date Line and loose 1 day's time. Passport must be valid 6 months from date of entry into Indonesia. It is advisable to consult a doctor and obtain the proper vaccinations before going to Indonesia. MALARIA DOES EXIST IN SUMATRA.
  15. BRING MALARIA TABS-im sure your guy told you that-also, beign from chicago, you probably don't own one. But there's world class surfing in all of indo. Especially in the mentawais. Lots of snakes and other shit to worry about.get a board if possible, it'll help kill time, which I'm sure you'll have a lot of.
  16. Chubby twink: The '80s called, they want their lipstick back. Chick in black with bright red lipstick: Your boyfriend called, he thinks you're fat. Chubby twink runs off crying, chick in black lights a smoke. Little girl: Mommy, what's that red stuff in your bathing suit? Pilot on PA: We'll be making our final descent to Oahu International Airport shortly. Blonde cheerleader: Oh my god! I thought we were going to Honolulu! 9-year-old boy nearby: Honolulu is the city on Oahu, you idiot. Blonde cheerleader: Oh... Well, how am I supposed to know that?
  17. mosluggo


    I just found this on flickr The twentieth goal on my 43 things was to go tagging. I sprayed "No Sailing" stencils on the walls of Lake Hefner with my friends Hillary and Josh. It was basically a huge rush that feels great
  18. MONSTER read this very quick..pretty good book this book was pretty good drug running college student/med school/dentist cocaine dealer book early to mid 80s
  19. You would think that a company that makes millions of dollars a year would be able to afford something better than 1 ply. I don't even think its 1 ply, maybe half ply. Probably my fault for eating taco bell and spraying 4 different times today.. My butt hurts-no homo
  20. Can't agree more-i have an offshore account run through costa rica here in chi, had a decent run through football,then march ncaa bball was pretty good to me,but I'm down 600+ at the moment and laying off the baseball for a while- very bad run this week- anyway you'll end up giving it all back at some point so yeah,take it and run..and don't be what you can't afford to pay out..
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